Maisotsenko’s genius energy solution, M-Cycle, offers a viable way forward

The scientists’ community session. Dr Professor Valeriy Maisotsenko (front row, third from the left) seated in-between the scientists. Photo: Supplied

The scientists’ community session. Dr Professor Valeriy Maisotsenko (front row, third from the left) seated in-between the scientists. Photo: Supplied

Published Apr 16, 2023


On April 13, octogenarian Professor Valeriy Maisotsenko revealed his genius energy system, M-Cycle, to the science community in South Africa at a session convened by the Department of Science and Innovation, hosted at the Eskom Research Centre.

Maisotsenko explained the thermodynamic laws of his invention that mimic nature. He chastised the younger generation against defiling enthalpy (a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the total heat content of a system. It is equal to the internal energy of the system plus the product of pressure and volume) as temperature.

Civilisations have been greatly influenced and directed by energy systems. These systems have created epoch-changing moments in history.

The discovery of fire is one such moment and enabled human beings to survive cold and freezing climate conditions. The discovery and combustion of fossil fuel, especially coal, spurred the industrial revolution in Europe. The next step up was nuclear energy, which expanded its horizons into information technology, space exploration and medicine, among others.

Maisotsenko, in an animated fashion, talked about the new civilisation that is now made possible through M-Cycle.

The inventor of the Maisotsenko Cycle, (M-Cycle for short) is in South Africa up to April 23. His technology, the M-Cycle, is hitherto, the only technology that can claim to be the greenest.

The technology is based on Nikola Tesla’s 200-year legendary discovery that there is energy and plenty of it in nature, such as in the air, and no one should suffer energy poverty.

Yet two centuries later not only a billion inhabitants of planet earth suffer energy poverty, but in fact the 8 billion people on earth today are exposed to greenhouse emissions that threaten the world from emission-based technology.

This spectre could have been avoided 50 years ago, if politics and economics,together as the political economy, heeded science from Maisotsenko’s air-molecule based energy.

What is unique is that the technology is mitigating as well as it is adaptive. It extends the use of oil and coal through its thermal efficiency and also as the new energy, which is fully renewable by harvesting energy from air and humidity, truly sub-atmospheric M-PowerCycle.

Maisotsenko made Tesla’s dream his scientific intellectual endeavour. At 83 years of age, Maisotsenko spent 50 years of his life leading the actualisation of Tesla’s dream.

And the technology was successfully displayed at the Rand Show where its complex capability and capacity aroused scientific awe with its simplicity of cooling that reduces the cost of cooling by 90% through its indirect evaporative cooling embedded in its complex heat and mass exchanger.

This is the scientific progress that Maisotsenko continues to contribute to civilisation – a new civilisation that removes energy scarcity from all. It remedies the sins of the Carnot Cycle of internal combustion energy emissions of condenser, compressor, coil and freon gas-based technologies.

The secret of the science is that the indirect evaporative cooling cools below the wet bulb to dew-point without a condenser, a compressor, a coil or a harmful refrigerant.

Only air and water is used and replaces all these many harm-generating items, which have served us through suppression of new technologies such as the electric car which would have disrupted the vested interests of the oil industry. Now seeing is believing from the maestro himself.

Even the song titled “Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear” is put to shame when the scientist Maitsosenko illustrates to the scientific community what his discovery of 50 years delivers.

The scientists have not only heard, but have seen. Thus we can depart from the mantra of the song and get to adopt this, the greenest energy hitherto ever known to humankind.

The M-Cycle does not only judiciously mitigate climate change, but holds the key to a new civilisation.

And as the poor are the most affected by lack of energy, and as we sit in the darkness of load shedding in South Africa, while other nations are also in an energy deficit, and climate change wreacks havoc, Maisotsenko’s scientific solution is a beacon of light and a viable way forward.

Dr Pali Lehohla

Dr Pali Lehohla is the director of the Economic Modelling Academy, a Professor of Practice at the University of Johannesburg, a Research Associate at Oxford University, a board member of the Institute for Economic Justice at Wits and a distinguished Alumni of the University of Ghana. He is the former Statistician-General of South Africa.