Clock ticks for Kloof and Highway SPCA fund-raising drive

Sarah van Heerden operations manager Kloof and Highway SPCA. Picture supplied

Sarah van Heerden operations manager Kloof and Highway SPCA. Picture supplied

Published Sep 27, 2022


Durban — The Kloof and Highway SPCA has less than six days to raise R70 000 for a sterilisation outreach clinic in the Dassenhoek area.

In an effort to raise R100 000 for the Kloof and Highway SPCA, its operations manager, Sarah van Heerden, embarked on a 1 600km cycle race from Johannesburg to Cape Town on September 17.

The epic ride was planned for six days. However, on day three and with about 850km covered, Van Heerden’s partner, Greg Lock, could not continue and they had to stop. She had raised R30 000.

Hosting the clinic in the Dassenhoek area is subject to the availability of funds and now might not happen between October 3 and 7. The SPCA wants to sterilise, inoculate and treat animals, prevent cruelty to them and offer education.

Van Heerden shared some of her memories and the challenges encountered during the three-day cycle. She said they had ridden in temperatures of 5°C in the pouring rain and against strong headwinds.

“We were taken into people's homes who did not even know us, yet made us feel welcome. We got to ride in areas so remote, so rural, so beautiful that you feel like you are literally in another world,” she said.

Van Heerden said there was so much to be grateful for.

“Look at your lives and be grateful because when you see little places in far outlying areas where people and animals are on their knees, yet you are riding for fun, and for enjoyment, on a bike that they would love.

“It is 5°C, pouring with rain, icy headwinds and they shelter in thin T-shirts against a shack devoid of warmth and shelter,” she said.

Van Heerden saw dogs chained up, with a metal bin as a kennel, but experienced humility, kindness and compassion.

“May we never lose sight of what is important,” she said.

Although their journey had come to an end, people could still help.

“The target of R100 000 seems unattainable. Should we not raise the money the outreach will not take place, but all monies will be put aside for future outreaches when we are in a better financial situation. What a privilege it is to have a life where we can make a difference.”

Daily News