KZN Social Development MEC on a mission to fight scourge of drugs and substance abuse

KZN Social Development MEC Nonhlanhla Khoza addressing the community of Mpembeni, outside Esikhawini Township, Umhlathuze Municipality, to highlight her department’s resolve to fight the scourge of social ills in the area. Picture: Supplied

KZN Social Development MEC Nonhlanhla Khoza addressing the community of Mpembeni, outside Esikhawini Township, Umhlathuze Municipality, to highlight her department’s resolve to fight the scourge of social ills in the area. Picture: Supplied

Published Sep 20, 2023


Durban — KwaZulu-Natal Social Development MEC Nonhlanhla Khoza has taken a resolution to fight against the escalating scourge of substance abuse and illicit drugs said to be destroying the lives of the youth and the people of Mpembeni, outside Esikhawini township.

It is reported that drugs such as whoonga and other substances are causing a scare within the areas of Umhlathuze Municipality and have propelled Khoza to declare a war against this pandemic.

On Tuesday morning, it was reported that five men were shot and killed in the Richards Bay CBD, and the police said that they suspect the cause of the attack was drug related.

Khoza, alongside her counterpart, Agriculture and Rural Development MEC Super Zuma, visited ward 13 in the uMhlathuze Local Municipality in response to the community's outcry concerning social issues that have plagued the Mpembeni area.

Khoza stated, “Empowered by Act No. 70 of 2008, the Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act, the department collaborates vigorously with relevant state entities to lead the battle against drugs in the region”.

“Employing a comprehensive and integrated strategy, the department aims to enhance coordination and collaboration in the management of substance abuse while ensuring effective execution of the National Drug Master Plan.”

Social Development spokesperson Mhlaba Memela said that engaging in a heartfelt dialogue with the community, Khoza listened to their concerns as they detailed the devastating effects of drug syndicates.

Memela further said that the community earnestly called upon the department to intervene, citing the entanglement of local youth in a web of social issues, resulting in the abuse of women and children within the area.

Addressing the community at Mabuyeni Sportsground, Khoza underscored the necessity of a coordinated effort to combat substance abuse, emphasising that it cannot be eradicated without the collective involvement of communities, government departments, civil society, faith-based organisations and traditional leadership Memela added.

He continued, saying Khoza acknowledged the devastating impact of substance abuse on individuals and families within the Dube clan, including the breakdown of social structures, increased crime rate and the erosion of social cohesion.

Members of Mpembeni Community, outside Esikhawini Township, Umhlathuze Municipality ,were gathered at Mabuyeni Sportground on Tuesday, to engage with the Social Development MEC Nonhlanhla Khoza as they strategise to fight the scourge of substance abuse and illicit drugs engulfing the area. Picture: Supplied

Khoza expressed the department's unwavering commitment to tackling this critical issue:

‘’In collaboration with our partners, the department is fully dedicated to launching a comprehensive campaign against substance abuse and illicit drugs in the region. We recognise the urgent need to support our youth and families who have borne the brunt of these challenges.

‘’We firmly believe that by joining forces with the Mpembeni community, we can triumph over these challenges and create a safer, healthier and more prosperous environment for all. We implore residents to actively engage in this campaign and aid us in driving positive change within our communities," Khoza concluded.

Zuma expressed shock at the involvement of men in drug-related activities, which often contribute to gender-based violence. He called on men to lead campaigns against drugs and expose those involved in drug production. He also emphasised that drugs had become the lifeblood of crime in their communities, necessitating unity to protect their neighbourhoods.

During the event, three community organisations - Praise Nzwakele Foundation, Unyezi Community Projects and Sinokuhle Community Projects - were presented with a cheque for R100 000 each to combat drug abuse and contribute to community development.

The organisations are involved in sewing school uniforms and other garments, including fashion design. Sinokuhle NPO chairperson Norah Mbambo applauded the government for its relentless efforts in empowering communities.

‘’We will use the cheque we received from MEC Khoza to advance the programme to better the lives of the people,’’ Mbambo added.

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