Ratepayers association invites government to service delivery meeting

The eThekwini Ratepayers Protest Movement’s (ERPM) chairperson, Asad Gaffar, led a meeting and invited various stakeholders within the eThekwini metro today. Also present at the meeting was Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) MEC Reverend Thulasizwe Buthelezi and former Durban city Manager Dr Mike Sutcliffe. Picture: Supplied

The eThekwini Ratepayers Protest Movement’s (ERPM) chairperson, Asad Gaffar, led a meeting and invited various stakeholders within the eThekwini metro today. Also present at the meeting was Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) MEC Reverend Thulasizwe Buthelezi and former Durban city Manager Dr Mike Sutcliffe. Picture: Supplied

Published Aug 6, 2024


Durban — Led by the eThekwini Ratepayers Protest Movement (ERPM), a meeting took place today to discuss service delivery issues and to pave a way forward for government intervention.

The meeting took place at Synergy Worldwide Logistics (Pty) Ltd, New Germany, Durban, on Tuesday.

The meeting was attended by Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) MEC Reverend Thulasizwe Buthelezi and former Durban city manager Dr Mike Sutcliffe.

Some of the topics on the agenda included:

– 6kl Backdated Charges: The ERPM gave a presentation on the issue of 6kl backdated charges, followed by a discussion on the impact on ratepayers and requested resolution.

– 80/20 Electricity Programme: The ERPM queried the 20% portion of the programme and asked where the 20% was going, and why it was not reflected in the budget or credited to arrears on accounts.

– Infrastructure Surcharge: The ERPM raised concerns about the infrastructure surcharge; lack of ring-fencing; hidden in the budget as surplus; and absence of consultation for roll-over to the new financial year.

– Indigent Programme: The ERPM raised concerns about the indigent programme; inaccessibility across four units; and the appearance of a broken system.

– Billing Errors: The ERPM raised concerns about billing and estimated billing (inconsistent and erratic meter readings).

– Service Delivery Issues: The ERPM raised concerns regarding service delivery; raw sewage issues across the metro; call centre inefficiencies and lack of training and customer care; fault reporting failures and their solution.

– Land invasions: Planning department inefficiency and irregularities; encroachment and overburdened infrastructure.

– Conclusion and Next Steps: This included a summary of discussions and agreements, and the next steps and action items for the Cogta MEC and ERPM.

The ERPM consists of affiliated ratepayer associations, including the Westville Ratepayers Association (WRA), Asherville Ratepayers (ARP), New Germany Ratepayers Association (NGRA), Sapphire Coast Ratepayers Association (SCRA), Durban Beachfront Residents and Ratepayers Association (DBRRA), Morningside Ratepayers Association (MRA), Merewest Community Foundation (MCF), Tongaat Civic Movement (TCM), Grove End Stanmore Ratepayers and Residents Association (GESRRA), Upper Highway Community Forum (UHCF) and Kharwastan Civic Association (KCA).

More in the Daily News on Wednesday.

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