WATCH: Lasizwe clears the air regarding his stay in mental health facility

Lasizwe. Picture: Instagram

Lasizwe. Picture: Instagram

Published Nov 29, 2021


Local social media star Lasizwe Dambuza cleared the air regarding his mental health journey after videos of him at Sun City over the weekend raised eyebrows.

Last week, the “Drink or Tell the Truth” host shared a video of himself checking into a health wellness facility on Twitter.

He wrote: “One thing about me, I am not shy to express how I feel. I have checked myself into a Mental Health Wellness Facility.

“I haven't been okay for the past months. I have been so depressed. I have decided to fight this by taking a break and dealing with this 1 on 1.”

However, videos and tweets started to go around of the YouTuber dancing and grooving at the Sun City Takeover event, which raised questions regarding the length of his stay at the facility.

— ChrisExcel (@ChrisExcel102) November 27, 2021

Taking to Twitter on Monday, Lasizwe shared a video with his official statement regarding the matter, saying: “So there has been a video that has been doing the rounds, basically it has gone viral and I am involved in that video.

“I feel obliged to address this because to me, it is a serious matter and it's something that I am still dealing with.

“So I had a choice to either involve my fans in my mental health journey or to keep quiet about it, but I chose to involve you guys as a form of awareness that it is mandatory for you to take care of yourself and know when to stop and take a break.”

Furthermore, he shared that the video shared last week was taken at the end of his stay at the facility and that he should have made it clear to his fans that this was the case.

“I had instructed my team that please post the video towards the end of my journey, which I believe on their side and my side we failed to also reiterate that and say that, guys, this is towards my end of my journey.

“So everyone was under the impression that I am still in the facility. And I also, on my end failed to update you guys that I am out. I'm well, I'm doing well.”

Ending the video, Lasizwe shared that he received clearance from his health-care practitioners to return to work and that this is an ongoing journey, also apologising to his fans for not communicating this effectively.

“I'm good, I'm back, I'm working, and the show has to go on under my doctor's supervision.

“You know, my psychologist, my psychiatrist. They believed that I am fit to go back into the big world and to do what I love the most, which is being with you guys, my fans ... I'm going to apologise to people that, you know, are dealing with this because it's not something that comes and goes.

“It's something that stuck with you for life, and we stuck together with this, but we're going to win this.

“So I just want to update you guys. I am in good spirit. I was in Sun City. I was working and thank you for your concerns. Thank you for your messages. I appreciate you guys.”

Watch the full video below: