There’s no masking the laughter in Alan Committie new show 'Apocolaughs Now'

Alan Committie. Picture: Supplied

Alan Committie. Picture: Supplied

Published Oct 24, 2021


Funnyman Alan Committie is gearing up “Apocolaughs Now” at the official reopening of Pieter Toerien’s Montecasino Theatre, Montecasino.

The show kicks off on Wednesday, October 27, and runs till Sunday, November 14.

In his new show, Committie explores the world of TikTok videos, unpacks how “we thought the world would end versus how it’s actually happening and may or may not have found the missing R500 billion promised” to South Africans, and then some.

Elaborating on the inspiration behind the show, Committie said: “The last 18 months have been a whirlwind of unexpected events and new ways of being.

“The word Apocalypse means ’uncovering’, ’unmasking’ or ’disclosure of new information’, and we are definitely entering a post-apocalyptic period now. But I want the audience to uncover or maybe even ’unmask’ through laughter.”

On what can be expected from the show, he shared: “I talk about the global lockdown, Covid brainwaves, earthquakes and sinkholes, 5G chips on our shoulder, ’The Queen’s Gambit’, millennial mayhem alongside yoga yodelling and the fact that our only response so far is to dance the ’Jerusalema’ (which is how drunk people pronounce Julius Malema after 2am).

“I try to understand wellness coaches, provide a do-it-yourself breakdown to guided meditation and explore how we can stay sane and healthy in body, mind and soul with my usual madcap verbal wit and physical comedy shenanigans.

“The show is a high energy, gag-filled look at what life has become and a reminder of where we were and why our new normal could actually be quite exciting,” he added.

After nearly two years of performing at clubs and doing online shows, the renowned comedian says it’s the personal connection with the audience that he misses most.

Elaborating on his experience, Committie said: “I think most stage performers who have tried the virtual experience in the last year and a half have had similar experiences.

“The initial shock at the lack of ’live energy’, the settling down and learning to use technology to your advantage and, more recently, the ability to thrive and find virtual connection with your audience again.

“There are tricks or techniques that I now use to maintain energy and contact with a digital audience that means the experience is certainly not the same as a live audience, but it is effective in other ways.”

Weighing in on how hard the arts sector across the world has and continues to suffer during the Covid-19 pandemic, Committie explained: “There were two blows dealt to performers and members of the arts sector.

“The financial hit was visceral and crippling to many. Countless members of our industry have not had an opportunity to share their craft and art in almost two years and may still wait another six to twelve months before they get another chance.

“The second challenge was the mental and emotional strain of not being able to work with the material, other colleagues from the industry and live audiences.

“That vacuum has created many dark corners and corridors that have not been pleasant to sit in. I was fortunate enough to have access to online platforms, a supportive audience and some great technical partners, which meant I could do the occasional live-streamed show or return to the corporate hybrid events when they finally returned.

“And since my stand up work is solo-based, it is the kind of show that can be mounted in spaces with low overheads in a time with a limited audience and income potential.

“But I miss the bigger plays and musicals that delighted us in the past. They will return, but only once the restrictions around theatre spaces are back to full capacity.”

““Alan Committie – Apocolaughs Now!” opens at Pieter Toerien’s Montecasino Theatre on 27.

Tickets costs R220 and are available at Computicket.

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