We’re on the road to recovery

Durban fortune teller and life coach MG says the positives in South Africa will outweigh the challenges in 2022. Picture: Supplied

Durban fortune teller and life coach MG says the positives in South Africa will outweigh the challenges in 2022. Picture: Supplied

Published Dec 31, 2021


WELL known fortune teller and life coach Minaxie Gihwala, known as MG, predicts that while SA could still be plagued by unrest, and the UK is likely to see a new monarch taking the throne in 2022 – the world is on the road to recovery.

This is after two years of uncertainty as the Covid pandemic wreaked havoc, taking lives and flattening economies across the globe.

MG said: “2022 is going to be the year that will show the strength and resilience that humans are capable of.

“It seems that after the challenges of 2021, most people have included in their 2022 new year’s resolutions the fact that they are aware that they are going to have to dig deep within themselves to survive 2022.

“The strength of the human spirit will be very evident and gather strength and speed as 2022 progresses.

“I say this while looking at the energies that surround various issues that will dominate 2022, and how we as a world force will deal with it,” she said.

MG added that she was “extremely happy” to say that the positives of 2022 will by far outweigh its challenges, but warned that the July unrest and violence in South Africa could see a repeat in the year to come, while load shedding will continue to burden the economy.

“In South Africa and worldwide, economies are going to be improving. A substantial amount of the fiscal losses of the past 24 months due to the pandemic will be on the road to recovery.

“Unfortunately in South Africa, however, what will reduce the positive shift in the economies, will be a resurgence of violence and unrest as was displayed in July of 2021, as well as the issues that we have with Eskom and load shedding.

“In the political scene the ANC will continue to disappoint as they will not be able to root out corruption or address it's corruption legally. The good news, though, is that there will be some unexpected improvements. Political parties that are more radical are going to have a stronger foothold on the political scene,” she said.

MG said that on the international front there will be a “significant loss of faith and increased criticism” levelled at the Biden administration in the US, especially because of the incompetence in dealing with Covid.

And commenting on events in the year to come, MG said: “Sad news for loyal royalists is that there will be a new monarch in the UK within the next 14 months”, while there will also be some devastating fires in South America during the second half of the year.

“Tornados and hurricanes are also going to wreak havoc across North America,” she said.

MG added: “The extent of anxiety, fear, and frustration that Covid has caused over the past 24 months will be very much reduced in 2022, as people will learn to cope and manage to live their lives, while incorporating the challenges of the pandemic.

“I am happy to say that for the most part, the effort that people are going to put into every aspect of their lives will be rewarded and will not be in vain.”

Independent on Saturday