RECIPE: This chocolate hot cross bun bake will put a sweet end to your Easter Sunday

Chocolate hot cross bun bake. Picture: Supplied

Chocolate hot cross bun bake. Picture: Supplied

Published Apr 4, 2023


It’s that time of the year again, when the aroma of freshly baked hot cross buns fills the air when you walk into your favourite supermarket or bakery.

The raisin-and-currant-filled buns are an Easter tradition and thousands of hot cross buns will be sold on the days before Easter and on Good Friday. What better time to put a simple spin on hot cross buns this Easter?

Courtesy of the Libstar Family, below is a simple and quick recipe for a chocolate hot cross bun bake that will put a sweet end to your Sunday.

Chocolate hot cross bun bake. Picture: Supplied

Chocolate hot cross bun bake

Serves: 4-6


6 Woolworths hot cross buns – your favourite variety

42g unsalted butter, at room temperature

3 large free-range eggs

1 tsp vanilla paste

75g caster sugar

35g cocoa powder

300ml fresh cream

150ml milk

100ml strong coffee

Vanilla ice cream for serving

Robertsons dessert topping sauce

Robertsons Decadent Delights luxury toppings, for serving


Slice the hot cross buns in half and butter each half with an even amount of the butter. Arrange the halved buns in a lightly greased 28 x 23cm baking tray and set aside.

In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, vanilla paste, sugar and cocoa powder until combined. Set aside.

Place a saucepan over medium-low heat and gently warm the cream, milk and coffee. Stir frequently so that the milk and cream do not burn. Once the liquid is hot and small bubbles start to form around the edge of the pan, remove it from the heat.

Pouring very slowly, whisk the hot liquid into the egg mixture. It’s important to pour slowly and whisk quickly so that the hot liquid doesn’t scramble the egg.

Carefully pour the combined mixture over the prepared hot cross buns. Using your hands, press the buns into the liquid to cover them. Allow the buns to soak up the liquid for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 170ºC.

Once the buns have been standing for 15 minutes, bake the pudding for 50 to 60 minutes. Keep a layer of foil on hand to place over the top at the 25-minute mark if it begins to brown too quickly.

Remove the pudding from the oven and let it cool in the pan for 10 minutes. Serve warm with ice cream.

Finish with Robertson's dessert topping sauce and sprinkle over with Decadent Delights luxury toppings.