The 5 best ways to use leftover Halloween candy

Halloween is all about creative costumes, fun parties, haunted houses, and candy. Picture: Pexels/Daisy Anderson

Halloween is all about creative costumes, fun parties, haunted houses, and candy. Picture: Pexels/Daisy Anderson

Published Oct 19, 2021


Halloween is all about creative costumes, fun parties, haunted houses, and candy. Lots of candy.

Don’t toss leftover Halloween candy in the trash, when there are so many smart uses for all of those treats.

Below are some sweet ideas for you to try.

Add leftover Halloween candy to your baking

Chocolate and candy work great in many dessert recipes. You can chop up any kind of candy – especially if it is chocolate or caramel-based – and add it to basic cookie dough, fudge, or brownie batter. Or, you can crush hard candy or peppermints and use them as toppings to decorate cupcakes, cheesecakes, or cookies.

Save it for Christmas pies

Maybe you don't need to get rid of your leftover Halloween candy altogether but just take a one-month break. Saving your candy to make a candy pie or otherwise incorporating it into Christmas desserts is a great use for your leftovers, while not putting you into candy overload.

Freeze it

Pack your leftover Halloween candy into smaller portions in airtight containers and pop them in the freezer, where they will stay fresh for months. This way, you can take out what you need to add some to smoothies, yoghurt, or use as toppings for baked goods. Make yummy milkshakes by adding chopped-up candy bars to ice cream or frozen yoghurt, along with a banana or some berries.

Loaded popcorn

This is another easy one and will be loved by your family. Pop some popcorn and then spice it up, or rather sweeten it up. Add some sort of drizzle like chocolate syrup and then sprinkle in chopped-up candies.

Or just east it

Let's be honest, you have already eaten a massive amount of candy at this point, so why quit? This is just about the only time of year that it's socially acceptable to eat candy bar after candy bar, so you might as well take advantage of it while you can.

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