The innovative cold coffee drinks that will get you through summer

White Russian.

White Russian.

Published Oct 18, 2021


Summer is here, which means it is time to switch from perfect hot coffee to perfect cold coffee.

Coffee lovers will know that cold coffee is an all-time favourite for many, especially on a hot afternoon. So, why not experiment with being your own barista this summer, throw on an apron and try out these recipes that will turn your typical brew into a guilty pleasure?

Let us take a look at great ways to enjoy coffee in summer and show that you are totally chilled all year round.

White Russian


60ml cold brew coffee

30ml vodka

30ml cream liqueur

15ml coffee liqueur

2-3 ice cubes

Garnish (optional)


Mix all the ingredients and shake vigorously and strain over fresh ice.


Recipe by Matthias Soberon.

Dalgona coffee


2 tbs instant coffee

2 tbs sugar

2 tbs hot water

½ cup milk of your choice

2-3 ice cubes


In a large mixing bowl place coffee, sugar, and hot water (1:1:1 ratio).

Using a hand mixer or electric mixer, whisk until thick and creamy.

Fill only ¾ of a cup with cold milk and add ice cubes.

Top it up with foamy whipped coffee. Mix well before drinking.

Recipe by Saloni.

CBD iced mocha milkshake


½ cup oats⁠

1 cup freshly brewed strong coffee⁠

⁠1 tbs cashew or almond butter⁠

1 tsp cacao powder⁠

1 date⁠

Pinch of cinnamon⁠

Pinch of salt⁠

½ daily dose of CBD (10 drops of 600mg Goodleaf CBD oil)

Dash of vanilla extract⁠

1 frozen banana⁠

10 ice cubes


Soak the oats and coffee for at least 20 minutes.⁠

⁠In your blender add the remaining ingredients.

⁠Add the soaked oats and coffee. Blend until everything is smooth and creamy. ⁠

⁠Now add the banana and ice cubes and blend again until smooth.

Recipe from Good Leaf.

Below, roastery manager and barista at Craft Coffee, Lovejoy Chirambasukwa, shares iced coffee hacks that will turn your typical brew into a guilty pleasure.

Avocado-infused iced coffee

Use a double shot of espresso, a quarter of a ripe avocado with two tablespoons of condensed milk. Put the avocado, espresso, condensed milk, fresh milk, and ice in a blender and blitz. Makes a creamy and buttery iced drink which is delicious.

Amarula-flavoured iced coffee

An amazing creamy and smooth drink and all you need is a shot of Amarula and espresso mixed. Add a bit of cream, fresh milk, and ice in a shaker and shake for at least a minute. The result is an amazing marula-flavoured iced drink for a relaxed weekend with family and friends. You can even do this with different whiskies.

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