This month’s IOL Health digital mag is all about rebirth and reawakening

Published Aug 31, 2022


I love this time of the year. The colours return to the trees; flowers start blooming.

It’s a time to take mental stock of your life, like being grateful for the little things despite us shaking off the last vestiges of the pandemic.

We’re hoping our latest edition of the IOL Health free digital magazine is reflective of this.

After all, it was the great Oscar Wilde that famously said about spring, “A flower blossoms for its own joy”.

In keeping with our theme of spring and rebirth, we’ve gone in search of inspiring stories to encourage a new you.

From fitness entrepreneur Yanga Ngcayisa’s body transformation journey, to looking after your gut health, this month’s magazine is jam-packed with sound advice from the experts. - Marchelle

As a spring baby my bias against other seasons is warranted. I adore the fresh air and the thrill of better weather and new beginnings spring brings.

Although we frequently talk about spring in line with cleaning our homes, this is also the time of year when we reset our diets and do a mental check.

The pandemic might be over, but we are still recovering from the trauma.

As part of the spring and rebirth theme of IOL's Health digi mag, we hope this is an opportunity to try to cultivate peace of mind and appreciate once more being free to do the things that coronavirus took away from us.

With that being said, Happy Spring Day in advance! - Vuyile

Read the latest issue here.