LOOK: Employer’s toilet note is just a reminder of how ridiculous people can be

When a US-based tweep (@JoshuaPotash) posted a note that he came across from an unknown company, he had to share his disappointment. Picture: Victoria_Borodinova/Pixabay

When a US-based tweep (@JoshuaPotash) posted a note that he came across from an unknown company, he had to share his disappointment. Picture: Victoria_Borodinova/Pixabay

Published Feb 22, 2022


When it comes to employee bathroom breaks, some of us use the time constructively by solving the latest Wordle game or checking out the news online.

It gives us a few minutes to step away from our hectic work schedules and busy offices.

And yet, there are some companies that choose to control how we use our time, including our trips to the toilet.

When a US-based tweep (@JoshuaPotash) posted a note that he came across from an unknown company, he had to share his disappointment.

With the caption, “Nah, this is one of the most invasive things I’ve ever seen,” we can clearly see why.

Basically, the employer thought it clever to remind their workers of the consequences, should they spend longer than 10 minutes in the toilet.

— Read The Dispossessed by Ursula K. LeGuin (@JoshuaPotash) February 19, 2022

“We can’t actually be free until we control the spaces where we spend like half our waking hours. Workers should control workplaces, not weird owners who don’t want people taking breaks in the bathroom and want managers to sniff people’s dumps,” continued @JoshuaPotash.

The post was triggering at most as many online users shared their own experiences in the workplace.

“This makes me think of all the times my co-workers and I couldn’t take time to pee, and some people developed kidney problems. We worked in intensive care but still should have had enough support to allow for a damn pee break. Didn’t have to crap because we didn’t get to eat,” commented one user.

Another brought up the issue of women having to deal with their period while at work; “There are other reasons people go to the bathroom that doesn’t involve poop. They do know women have periods, don’t they?” and “I got written up for ’stealing company time’ bc I went to my locker to get a tampon. He told me that I had lunch break 30 mins prior, and I should’ve changed it then. A woman manager was in there for safety while he lectured me, and she didn’t speak up for me but told me after.”

But here’s the most ridiculous thing to come out of the thread - a British company called Standard Toilet came up with the idea of the SLANTY.

According to the website, “the primary aim of the SLANTY is to be a functional toilet, but in addition to its functionality, each product in the SLANTY range has a cleverly engineered gradient slope between 8 – 13 degrees to form a ‘slant’.

“The ‘slant’ naturally and subconsciously deters users from sitting on the toilet for prolonged and often unnecessary lengths of time.”