3 ways to boost your relationship

Published Jan 20, 2016


London - Life coach and author of 52 Ways To Transform Your Life Annabel Sutton has some suggestions to brighten up your relationship.


Look to the Future

Create a vision board by cutting pictures, words and phrases out of magazines of all the things you and your partner would love to manifest in your lives in 2016. This gives you both a chance to step away from the now when you are feeling glum in January, as well as giving each other a positive way of focusing your minds on the things that matter to you both in the year ahead.


Do Something Daring

Shake things up a bit by doing something completely different that you've both never done before. Edge yourself out of your comfort zone, take a risk and set yourself a 'stretch' goal - something that feels quite scary. You'll feel amazing when you achieve it! Support is an essential part of making this happen in life so enlist your partner and do something daring together - it makes such a difference to have other like-minded person to encourage and support you.


Keep an Achievements Jar

Get yourselves a large glass jar and every time you achieve one of your goals, or simply do something you feel pleased with, write it on a piece of paper and put it in the jar. Anything counts, as long as it's important to you both. At times when you're both feeling low you can cheer yourselves up by delving into the jar and reminding each other of all the amazing, positive things you both have done.

Annabel says: "It's easy to feel blue at this time of year. Butwe have total control over the way we choose to think and feel in any given moment. It is amazing how powerful our thoughts are and how they can affect our mood. ."

* 52 Ways To Transform Your Life' (Matador) is available from Amazon now.


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