Knysna set for mass same-sex wedding

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Published Mar 4, 2016


Cape Town - Sixteen gay and lesbian couples will tie the knot in Knysna next month in what has been billed the first ever mass same-sex wedding in Africa.

Knysna mayor Georlene Wolmarans will be officiating the “all pink wedding”, which is being held to celebrate the 16th annual Pink Loerie Mardi Gras & Arts Festival.


The festival is an annual celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) culture and identity.

Festival spokeswoman Fran Kirsten said the weddings would be hosted at the Villa Castollini on April 29.

She said the chosen 16 couples would win a wedding package, including dresses and suits, rings, photography, and a weekend honeymoon, among other prizes.

John O’Neil, Pink Loerie co-ordinator, said they were celebrating 16 years of making a mark on the (LGBTI) community.

“We felt it would be appropriate to highlight one of our most appreciated and sought-after rights; the right to marriage equality.

“South Africa remains the only nation on the continent to have legalised same-sex marriage, and that’s definitely something to celebrate,” he added. Wolmarans said she was honoured to have been chosen to officiate at the unions of the 16 couples.

“The wedding ceremony will add that much more excitement to this year’s Pink Loerie. I am also delighted that Knysna was selected to host the very first LGBTI mass wedding in the country.”

Wolmarans said she believed that same-sex couples should have equal rights.

“I believe that same-sex couples should have access to all the benefits enjoyed by different-sex couples, as the South African constitution clearly states that all citizens have the same rights and does not provide for any discrimination on any grounds.”

The day is set to start with the matrimonial ceremony.

After the couples say their vows, the newlyweds will then have the honour of leading the annual Pink Loerie Parade through the streets of Knysna the next day.

Cape Argus

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