Sex & sports: Can you think of a better combo?

Published Oct 26, 2016


This article is a must-read for wives with sport fanatic spouses.

Whether it be cricket, soccer, golf, tennis, rugby, boxing or even table tennis Lolita has found a way for wives to get the most from sports…

Get ready ladies!

This article is to provide you with a few kinky tips on how to incorporate sex with the equipment used in sports which will leave your husband both satisfied and impressed.

1. Cricket:

Invest in the uniform of your person's favourite team, for me it'll be the South African Proteas jersey.

Wear the jersey as a little dress, if your butt cheeks happen to peek out at the bottom, goal achieved. Remember you're challenging the ultra-ego of your husband's sport fantasy; you need to feel sexy and play the part.

Along with a jersey I'd recommend you invest in a cricket bat as well and yes you guessed it, let him spank you with it. If this doesn't bring excitement into his world then I don't know what will.

Tip - Domestic Submission: Before you and your spouse get down to the nitty gritty, there is one essential rule to consider at all time - communication!

The aspect of the roles at play namely the dominant and submissive, I'm sure is an exciting and thrilling idea, but please keep in mind that your wife's bottom should not provide for a punching bag to release your frustrations.

The type of spanking with the cricket bat I had in mind was sensual and should not borderline abuse.

If you and your husband ever spoke about exploring your anus, then I have three words for you: cricket stump bails. Those bails are barrel-shaped and have smaller cylinders protruding from each end.

This makes for the ideal toy to insert in your anus. If you're attempting anal fingering for the first time, I would advise to start with something small like the bail from the cricket stumps and work your way up from there.

Bail: one of the two smaller sticks placed on top of the three stumps to form a wicket.

2. Golf:

If your husband is a golf enthusiast he will own a golf club set. You probably just haven't noticed because you don't have an interest in the game (until now that is).

Borrow one of the club's in your husband's golf set (yes ladies it's called a club, not a stick). Using the club as your anchor do a naughty dance for him.

If you're a germophobe like myself then I'd suggest you sanitise the club beforehand. To kick your performance up a notch, lick cream or chocolate sauce from the club. For some reason men enjoy the sight of watching a female lick an object that resembles their manhood.

READ: Can you trust a man who has cheated on someone with 2 women?

3. Table tennis:

The first thing that came to mind when I thought of a way to incorporate table tennis in my sex life; was to throw the rule book out the window with this one and just have sex on the table.

The more I thought about that idea the more I realized that it probably wasn't the best idea. The table wouldn't be able to withstand our weight and friction from rough, wild sex (my preference ladies).

To end the night at the emergency room isn't my idea of a good time.

The next best thing would be to insert the two balls into your vagina just as you would Ben Wah Balls.

Ben Wah Balls: metal balls inserted in the vagina or anus, producing an intense sensation of pleasure.

Tip: Glue a piece of string connected to a key onto the ball making for easy extraction.

If you enjoy being spanked or would be open to the idea of being spanked then I have just the tool to set you off. Commonly referred to as a paddle or racket in the world of table tennis which is laminated wooden racket covered with rubber.

Can you feel the burn ladies? Because I certainly can…

READ: The hottest sex games to try right now!

4. Boxing

Boxing is a complicated sport filled with drama, and adrenaline pumping fist action. If your husband is a boxing fan then I'm sure he owns a heavy bag in his man cave or garage.

I'm sure you must be wondering where I'm going with this… detach the heavy bag, sanitise it and set it up in a comfortable area because you're going to need space for what comes next.

Have your husband seated in full frontal view of you and let the fun begin. Ride, grind and hump the hell out of that heavy bag. Make your husband wish that you were riding him instead.

Remember ladies this is about combining two of your spouse's favourite things in the world: sex and sports.

The end results is about pleasing him and believe me he'd be so grateful for your creativity he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off of you.

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