Do you need to overhaul your health?

There are many diets and weight-loss promises out there that will set you up for failure right from the start.

There are many diets and weight-loss promises out there that will set you up for failure right from the start.

Published Dec 17, 2021


Ones weight is all to often an element of our health that we can spend a lot of time, energy and effort trying to take control of.

There are many diets and weight-loss promises out there that will set you up for failure right from the start. It won’t fit into your routine, you have to find the time to add additional exercise and spend your money on short term results. But what if you could choose a weight-loss solution that gives you so much more than just rapid weight-loss? What if you could address the actual reasons you are gaining weight, or struggling to lose weight, AND keep it off?

Meet the Renewal Institute Diet from Skin Renewal.

In the human body we can distinguish between three kinds of fat:

Structural fat (which cushions our organs and is vital for normal organ functioning and protection), normal fat (which acts as a reserve of fuel which the body can freely draw on) and abnormal fat.

Abnormal fat is the accumulation of stored fat in the central areas such as the belly, bum, and thighs. Unfortunately, this kind of fat is locked away and is not available to the body as fuel in a nutritional emergency. It is this abnormal fat which RID targets.

All Hands on Deck!

Every RID patient will have an initial consultation with a medical doctor to review their medical history and exclude possible contraindications to the program. Health problems that could hamper weight loss include insulin resistance, thyroid disorders, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), liver disorders and gut dysfunction.

During the initial consultation and based on the patient’s medical history, the doctor. will decide whether additional tests need to be carried out. Tests can be ordered to exclude medical conditions that will slow the weight loss process. Potential obstacles such as thyroid problems or insulin resistance can be identified and treated immediately. A body stat analysis, BMI (Body Mass Index) and body measurements are also taken.

During every patients RID journey a team of registered nurses/health coaches will support them in their desire to lose weight and attain a predetermined goal. A two-weekly appointment ensures the patient stays on track, as blood pressure and blood glucose levels are monitored as needed.

What makes RID so unique?

Most diets are a ‘one size fits al’ that requires the patient to monitor and manage themselves, but with RID, Skin Renewals medical team works with each patient on an ongoing basis evaluating their goals every two weeks. The doctors and health coaches have the expertise to tailor the program by including and incorporating various support treatments in the event that a patient may have additional weight loss challenges such as diabetes, high cholesterol, inflammatory conditions, sleep conditions etc

The Skin Renewal team of doctors and nurses works with the patient and incorporates important lifestyle advice in order to empower patients to modify their lifestyle so that their weight and fat loss results can be maintained long term. The essence of RID is about sustained weight loss and lifestyle shifts.

Gut restoration, stress management, healthy nutrition, healthy moderate exercise, detoxification and reducing inflammation all need to be addressed for fat loss to be healthy, successful, and lasting.

Eat Better, Feel Better.

Although RID is about shedding the unwanted pounds its also about educating each patient about nutrition and the right food to nourish their body.

The eating plan is designed with not just calorie counting in mind, but with a real focus on your body’s wellness. Getting back to a happy and healthy state means feeding it with low glycemic, low inflammatory foods. This helps with insulin resistance and inflammation which may also help ease joint pain, swelling and stiffness.

Ready for a healthier lifestyle and committing to some good-for-you habits? Get the help and support you need from Skin Renewal with the RID program and make weight loss manageable and sustainable. It’s all about a stronger, better-feeling body!

Want to know more? Watch this space as we take a more in depth look at the pathway to your healthiest body next.

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