Quick ways to bring calm to your kitchen

To bring peace to this part of the home may seem almost impossible as it is often littered with dishes, groceries, homework, and bits of our everyday life, but it can be done. Picture: Jason Briscoe/Unsplash

To bring peace to this part of the home may seem almost impossible as it is often littered with dishes, groceries, homework, and bits of our everyday life, but it can be done. Picture: Jason Briscoe/Unsplash

Published Nov 17, 2020


Vivian Warby

Cape Town - The kitchen could in many ways be seen as the heart of your home.

It is the centre where food – nurturing, comforting, nourish- ing – is made and in its highest form is the place that keeps the household alive.

To bring peace to this part of the home may seem almost impossible as it is often littered with dishes, groceries, homework, and bits of our everyday life, but it is possible.

Psychologists, however, say it is important to choose one room in which the “messy” rules are relaxed – and the kitchen is perfect for this – in fact this might actually create calm.


• Declutter the surfaces – ensure you have a clean working space.

• The sink is not the new cupboard – it is not for storing things. Use and wash.

• Purge your pantry and fridge. Use your about-to-expire groceries first. Start your own compost with food that would normally end up in the bin – think banana peels, for instance.

• Include something green in the room. Plant seeds and grow your own herbs.

• Position items handily, so you don’t have to be scrambling around to find things while cooking and chopping.

• Consider a designated and temporary space for clutter.

• Colour matters, so think of a lick of paint to rejuvenate the area. Soft and neutral colours have a calming effect and pastels can help here too. Consider also deep blues, light greens, greys and tans.

• Intersperse a hi-tech kitchen with a few homemade objects that make you smile when you look at them.

• Give your kitchen a rest. As summer approaches, think about doing more outdoor cooking.

Read more in the latest Home Improver digital magazine below:

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