DA launches tracker on State Capture action

File Picture: DA MP Glynnis Breytenbach. The DA has launched its “Zondo Dashboard” in response to the release of parts of the State Capture Commission Report.

File Picture: DA MP Glynnis Breytenbach. The DA has launched its “Zondo Dashboard” in response to the release of parts of the State Capture Commission Report.

Published Apr 25, 2022


The DA has questioned President Cyril Ramaphosa’s commitment to fighting fraud and corruption, especially among the ANC’s rank and file who are accused of wrongdoing in government.

It has now launched a Zondo Dashboard, a mechanism in which the opposition party will track progress on action taken against individuals implicated in the State Capture Commission Reports.

DA MP Glynnis Breytenbach accused Ramaphosa of failing to act against his comrades who were fingered in the report compiled by then-Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo.

She noted that Zondo has released his State Capture Report in parts which outline damning evidence against many high-level ANC members, government officials, their families, and their friends with 1 438 people implicated in state capture, fraud, or corruption in the first three reports.

“The South African public deserve to see a transparent and open process unfold against these implicated ANC officials. If the ANC will not play open cards with the South African public, the DA will,” said the MP.

The dashboard is aimed at naming and shaming implicated individuals, outlining the nature of accusations against them, and whether any action has been taken against them.

The MP charged that the commission had been very costly to the taxpayer, running a R1 billion tab and lasting more than 4 years before completing its work, adding that it was important that prosecutions of implicated individuals took place.

Breytenbach also announced that the DA will be writing to the chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services, to request that the National Prosecuting Authority appear before it to account for its lack of prosecutions to date. She said that this was part of the DA’s intention to hold the executive accountable.

“This kind of oversight is the very least the people of South Africa deserve. If the ANC will not reset their moral compass and do the right thing, which they have shown repeatedly they will not do, then the DA will name and shame them until action is taken,” the DA MP stressed.

The DA MP also committed to giving weekly updates on whether action has been taken against fingered individuals to enable South Africans to get a snapshot of progress regarding the State Capture Report.

The Zondo Dashboard can be found at www.statecaptureconsequences.co.za