Court denies bail for 3 suspects implicated in University of Fort Hare assassination plot

Published Jun 13, 2023


Three people, accused of murdering two University of Fort Hare (UFH) employees will remain behind bars after their bail dismissal in the Dimbaza Magistrate’s Court.

Sicelo Mbulawa, Mthobisi Khanyile and Mthobisi Dlamini Zondo’s bail application failed to compel the court on Monday, on why they should be granted bail and released from custody.

The men, who face charges of murder, attempted murder, fraud and corruption were arrested in connection with the deaths of UFH fleet manager Petrus Roets and Mboneli Vesele who worked as a bodyguard for UFH vice-chancellor, Professor Sakhela Buhlungu.

Their co-accused, Bongani Peter and Wanini Khuza abandoned their bid for bail in an earlier appearance.

Last month, the court heard that a R5 million bounty had been put up for Buhlungu's life.

The SABC reported that a hit list was also found in an abandoned vehicle which had since been linked to a murder investigation. It was revealed that R3 million had been offered for Buhlungu’s deputy, Professor Renuka Vithal, while the hitmen who shot Roets were reportedly paid R350 000.

Meanwhile, Eastern Cape Premier Oscar Mabuyane, has since amended his application challenging the Special Investigation Unit’s probe into corruption and maladministration at UFH.

After initially asking the court to declare the SIU’s investigation, green-lighted by President Cyril Ramaphosa, unlawful and invalid, he is now interdicting investigators from investigating him.