LCOY South Africa 2023 paves the way for youth-led climate action

Published Oct 12, 2023


In a groundbreaking move, the Climate Action Network South Africa (SACAN), Global Shapers: Tshwane Hub, the South African Youth Climate Change Coalition, and the Global Shapers Johannesburg Hub, in collaboration with the African Leadership Academy and the African Climate Reality Project, are set to host LCOY (Local Conferences of Youth) South Africa 2023.

This initiative aims to propel climate action and youth participation in South Africa, addressing critical climate challenges through three interconnected objectives.

Objective 1: Principles for Youth Engagement in Climate Policy

One of the primary goals of LCOY South Africa 2023 is the development of principles for youth engagement in climate policy through a youth-led approach. In a consultative and collaborative process, a webinar initiated this crucial task. According to engagements and a recent position paper by the Youth Climate Champions Programme of the Climate Ambition to Accountability Project, there's a consensus among youth that they are not being adequately engaged in climate policy.

Prof Kevin Urama, Chief Economist and Vice President of the African Development Bank Group, emphasised the significance of this objective, stating, "The reports provide each African country with independent, verified analysis and recommendations for evidence-based negotiations during the global conversation on climate finance and green transitions." The principles formulated through this process have been submitted to YOUNGO for the COY18 Global Youth Statement, with intentions to communicate them to the South African government before COP28.

Objective 2: Capacity-building for Youth on Climate Action

LCOY South Africa aims to empower the youth with a comprehensive capacity-building program designed in collaboration with climate action experts. This program will focus on addressing the diverse climate action needs of youth in various regions of South Africa. Topics include pathways for youth involvement in the just transition, green jobs, and renewable energy.

Ferdinand Bakoup, Acting Director of Country Economics, highlighted the relevance of this program, stating, "The CFRs' detailed country-level analysis and policy recommendations will impact policy design and future projects and programmes in African countries.”

Objective 3: Strengthening Youth Networks for Climate Action

Expanding and strengthening networks for youth-driven climate and socio-ecological action is another crucial objective of LCOY South Africa 2023. The platform will provide opportunities for youth from different organisations, including Climate Ambition to Accountability Project: Youth Climate Champions Programme, Global Shapers Community: Tshwane Hub, and South African Youth Coalition for Climate Change, to share experiences, innovations, and initiatives.

In the words of SACAN: "This platform facilitates the sharing of experiences, innovations, and initiatives among youth activists."

LCOY South Africa 2023 is scheduled to be held physically on October 13, 2023, at the African Leadership Academy and virtually via Zoom from 9am to 3.30pm.

This initiative stands as a beacon for inclusive and youth-led climate action, positioning South African youth to be catalysts for meaningful change in climate policy at regional and global levels.

IOL Environment