LOOK: Springbok steak and impala sausages could soon be making their way to your nearest Checkers, Woolworths

Springbok. Picture: Patrizia08/Pixabay

Springbok. Picture: Patrizia08/Pixabay

Published Sep 21, 2022


The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment has extended the deadline for comments on its draft Game Meat Strategy for South Africa.

The strategy aims to formalise the game meat industry and expand the range of meats which stores can legally sell.

First published in July 2022, the draft regulations were gazetted on September 14 and will now be open for comment until September 26.

The Department explains that “game meat can be the meat of animals and birds that are traditionally hunted for sport or food instead of being raised on a farm under controlled circumstances.”

Picture: Darren Patterson/Pexels

Making its case, the department said that “game meat not only promotes and presents opportunities for land-use planning, environmental management and agricultural planning but also supports economic growth, and food security and contributes to the Gross Domestic Product of the country through provisioning of employment opportunities.”

The most commonly produced and consumed game meat in South Africa are impala, kudu, wildebeest and springbok. Although ostrich meat is game meat, it is predominantly produced through conventional livestock farming methods.

Environment Minister Barbara Creecy said the strategy and implementation plan are aimed at creating a formalised and transformed game meat industry in South Africa that contributes to food security and sustainable socio-economic growth.

According to the minister, the goal is to attract and open domestic and international markets to opportunities provided by the country’s renowned abundant wildlife.

Picture: Los Muertos Crew/Pexels

Creecy said the strategy acknowledges the significant contribution that is being made by current wildlife businesses and the various associations that drive critical elements of the value chain.

“Key to taking the new strategy forward will be to harness their experience and expertise. New private sector investments will be needed, and partnerships and collaborations will be essential, meaningful, and with buy-in from all stakeholders,” said Creecy.

Major South African retailers like Woolworths and Checkers told BusinessTech that they are embracing game meat in their stores and are looking to expand their ranges.

Picture: Harry Cunningham @harry.digital/Pexels

Woolworths told BusinessTech “that it already sells venison, ostrich and biltong from various game species, which is “big business” for the group. It said it was looking to expand its range.”

Checkers said that “it aims to offer game meat options for sausages, burgers and minced meat, as they are healthier meat options.”