WATCH: If You're Down He'll Pick You Up! Dr. Robot

Image: Supplied

Image: Supplied

Published Jan 24, 2023


Aeolus Robotics have introduced aeo - a Doctor Robot that appeared at CES 2023 in January.

It's a dual-arm humanoid robot that provides new applications for a variety of service tasks including delivery, security, eldercare, kiosk operation, and ultra-violet germicidal disinfection. The dual arms have seven degrees-of-freedom (DOF) allowing aeo to perform tasks, such as delivery or disinfection with one arm, while the other arm is free for mobility tasks such as operating elevators and opening doors.

Aeo’s vision algorithms provide a wide range of capabilities from determining the posture and position of residents for eldercare safety to detecting open windows or misplaced backpacks for aeo’s security services. The aeo robot is already deployed in Japan, Hong Kong, and Taipei.

In Japan, aeo is serving some of the largest eldercare providers, such as Medical Care Service, Inc., Cocofump, and HIMEDIC, Inc. Aeo currently offers a broad range of services such as night shift patrol for resident safety, delivering medical supplies across hospitals disinfecting facilities, patrolling throughout offices and schools for intruders and misplaced items, and more.

Those using the robot say that it is already a “key member” of their team - as it performs many of the simple but time consuming tasks.

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