India South Africa Breaking the shackles of Apartheid

Published Aug 20, 2023


A peace prayer will be held in Durban on Wednesday for the BRICS summit that will take place in South Africa from August 22 to 24.

BRICS came together to look at how the countries could work collectively in terms of the shared values they have in terms of reshaping the current global architecture, taking the interest of the Global South and projecting them as part of creating a more inclusive, representative and fair multipolar world.

Experts have said that in a polarised world, BRICS is playing an important role in bringing about dramatic changes to restructure the geopolitical economy and financial architecture.

They believe that BRICS is acting as a catalyst to bring the global South together and to bring change to the world for the better.

Dr Kesaven Dhavaraj, said the prayer to be held at the Oval next to the Indian Consulate Durban would be held by the Hindu Dharma Trust, a group of peace loving ,responsible South Africans who want to bring together the "Rainbow nation outside the Indian Embassy to show to the world our gratitude towards the great leaders of the BRICS nations and India who have come together to make our world a better place".

"This year 2023 marks 30 years of solid diplomatic relations between South Africa and India.

"In fact, India was the first country to impose sanctions on the white supremacist regime that imposed Apartheid on the majority of its people. With so many other acts of kindness towards the oppressed in South Africa, India has indeed proved itself to be a true Vishva mitra - a true universal friend."

Dhavaraj said they understand the enormous potential of the BRICS Summit being held in Johannesburg from 22nd to 24th August.

"We are sure that the entire country stands with us and our President Cyril Ramaphosa of the Republic of South Africa, in welcoming the world leaders - Prime ministers Narendra Modi of India, President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Federative Republic of Brazil, President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation (represented by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov), and President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China.

"BRICS has the potential for enormous good: as a source for much needed foreign direct investment which leads to mutual investment, job creation and trade and this will lead to increasing the number of employed citizens, and will lead to the alleviation of poverty, hunger, death, disease, and crime."

"We as peace loving and responsible citizens of this great rainbow nation called South Africa, we come together to pray to the one almighty God to bless and guide the great leaders at the BRICS Summit to make the wisest decisions that will inevitably affect us all for the better so that we can live in peace, harmony and plentitude in a world that is free from hatred, wars ,and grinding poverty," Dhavaraj said.

"We pray that South Africa and the BRICS nations will show the world that where love, mutual respect and cooperation exists, it is there that every human being in that region will be able to achieve their true potential by leading a fulfilled life together. This is the true spirit of Ubuntu where “I am because you are “and the sanskrit assertion of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”- where the whole world stands as one family."

The Peace Prayer, a gathering of support for the BRICS Summit is to be held between 9 am and 12 am on 23rd August 2023 held at the OVAL next to the Indian Consulate Durban.

"Spiritual and community leaders and ordinary South Africans will assert their support," Dhavaraj said.

For any queries contact Dr Kesaven Dhavaraj on 082 800 4035 or Suren Singh on 083 725 6870.