Winter fires ravage eThekwini: City’s emergency teams and public safety measures in focus

Fire outbreaks do not only result to damage to property, but they also take lives Picture: Pexels

Fire outbreaks do not only result to damage to property, but they also take lives Picture: Pexels

Published Jul 23, 2024


Throughout the winter season, eThekwini Municipality bears the burden of runaway fires, which are often caused by the irresponsibility of some citizens, according to the Municipality’s Communication Unit.

During the winter of 2023, the City reacted to almost 6,000 fire occurrences.

“Fire outbreaks do not only result to damage to property, but they also take lives. Illegal electricity connections and unattended fires are usually found to be reasons behind these disasters.

“For us to turn the tide against these calamities that have become synonymous in the city, members of the public need to play their part by being cautious when using fire,” said the Municipality in a statement.

It added that the City’s emergency teams are constantly on high alert to respond to any incident anywhere in the city.

However, their success in saving lives and reducing property damage is dependent on the public’s willingness to practice safety.

“We all need to join hands and prevent possible damages that may be caused by unnecessary fires.”

The following tips were offered to prevent fire outbreaks:

Ensure that every fire is attended to as soon as it begins.

Thoroughly extinguish every fire with water.

Never leave a fire unattended overnight.

Smokers must refrain from throwing cigarette butts out of moving vehicles.

Before disposing of any cigarette butts, ensure they have been properly extinguished.

Prevent minors from having access to objects that could spark fires.