PICS: ‘Don't bring alcohol to the beach,’ says JP Smith as Law Enforcement destroys thousands of litres of alcohol

Thousands of litres of alcohol that were confiscated from beaches across Cape Town have been destroyed. Photo: supplied

Thousands of litres of alcohol that were confiscated from beaches across Cape Town have been destroyed. Photo: supplied

Published Dec 24, 2022


Cape Town -- AS RESIDENTS and visitors stream to beaches across Cape Town to soak up the hot sun, the City of Cape Town’s Law Enforcement officials have been patrolling beaches and have since confiscated thousands of litres of alcohol.

According to the mayoral committee member for safety and security, Alderman JP Smith, the thousands of litres of alcohol have since been destroyed and hundreds more are being confiscated from beaches daily.

Thousands of litres of alcohol that were confiscated from beaches across Cape Town have been destroyed. Photo: supplied

“While Cape Town is known for fun in the sun and its beautiful beaches, alcohol should never be mixed with water in this way. Our enforcement staff are on high alert for offenders bringing alcohol into and onto the beaches.

Thousands of litres of alcohol that were confiscated from beaches across Cape Town have been destroyed. Photo: supplied

“Under the national Seashore Act, it makes it an offence even to transport alcohol into a beach area. Even having alcohol in your possession on the beach will result in a fine being issued and the alcohol being impounded.

Thousands of litres of alcohol that were confiscated from beaches across Cape Town have been destroyed. Photo: supplied

“Alcohol seized results in a fine as well as an impound fee -- when settled the offender may then provide their receipt and may collect their impounded items again.

Thousands of litres of alcohol that were confiscated from beaches across Cape Town have been destroyed. Photo: supplied

“Since this cost is well over a thousand Rand, often the confiscated alcohol is left abandoned at the impound stores,” Smith said.

Thousands of litres of alcohol that were confiscated from beaches across Cape Town have been destroyed. Photo: supplied

The alcohol confiscated include Johnny Walker Red Label, Tanqueray gin, Sky vodka, Jägermeister, Cruz vodka and various champagnes.

Thousands of litres of alcohol that were confiscated from beaches across Cape Town have been destroyed. Photo: supplied

“Since legislation makes no allowance for the confiscated alcohol to be sold or donated to worthwhile charities or similar, the alcohol needs to be destroyed under a watchful eye and according to strict procedures.

“Here is the plea again: Don't bring alcohol to the beach. It contributes to drownings, disorderly behaviour, and road fatalities. ‘But you are always well-behaved’ you may say. “The law doesn't make exceptions and paints everyone with the same brush: no alcohol,” Smith added.

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