3 tips moms can share with their kids to help them be money savvy

Kids can be introduced to healthy money management habits by mothers encouraging them to start saving. Picture: Freepik

Kids can be introduced to healthy money management habits by mothers encouraging them to start saving. Picture: Freepik

Published May 28, 2023


After celebrating Mother’s Day, many people may have been reminded about the crucial role their mother’s played in shaping their approach to various aspects of their lives, including their attitude towards money.

“How we save, spend, and invest is greatly influenced by what we see modelled to us when we’re younger, and we in turn influence our children through the financial habits and decisions we demonstrate,” said Sumayya Davenhill, head of marketing at M&G Investments.

Here are three things mothers do with their money that they can pass onto their children:

Avoid overspending

Spending more money than you earn can land you in the debt trap that will eventually catch up with you.

Demonstrating financial security and responsible financial habits are one of the most important values that mothers can live by, and pass on to their children.

You can avoid overspending by removing temptation and saying goodbye to your clothing store credit cards that have sky-high interest rates. By getting rid of your credit cards you can save; if you can’t pay for something without credit you need to save up until you can.

Save money for emergencies

An emergency fund can be handy if you lose your job or find yourself in a financial crisis, following an unexpected expense.

Davenhill said that an emergency fund is a must-have aspect of financial planning and it can be the difference between a tough patch and bankruptcy.

“Building up an emergency fund means having money that is easily accessible and should earn a return that keeps up with inflation,” she said.

According to Katlego Gaborone, a financial planner at Momentum, people need to have at least three months’ salary saved up in an emergency fund.

Don’t overthink investing

Investing does not require a degree in finance or a head for numbers, instead people need a little common sense and commitment.

“Trying to find the best fund with the best returns to invest your hard-earned money in, will only result in analysis paralysis. Instead of making a decision and taking action, you’ll be spending time and energy second-guessing yourself,” Davenhill said.

“Similarly, don’t be tempted to switch from your current investment fund to last year’s top performer because you think you’re missing out. Almost all funds will underperform at some point, and constantly switching from one fund to another may lock in losses for good.”

It is important to choose a reputable fund manager with a solid, long-term track record and select a fund that is aligned to your objectives, risk profile and time horizon.

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