5 tips to help you have a healthy relationship with money

It is important that people find a way to have a better relationship with their finances, and ensure that they are taking steps to get better at managing their money. Picture: File

It is important that people find a way to have a better relationship with their finances, and ensure that they are taking steps to get better at managing their money. Picture: File

Published Mar 20, 2023


South Africans are feeling the financial pressure of managing their finances while facing rising interest rates and increases in the cost of living.

Despite the mounting financial pressure people should find a way to have a better relationship with, and ensure that they are taking steps to get better at managing their money.

Here are 5 tips to improve your relationship with money:

Have financial goals

Having financial goals is important to help you know what you are working towards and what you need to achieve within a specific time frame, which will give you the necessary direction and motivation to reach your goals.

Compile a list that has a final deadline and save it on your mobile/computer/laptop. Make sure to review that list regularly and add the goal achievement dates to your calendar. Examples of financial goals include saving for a down payment on a house, paying off credit card debt, or saving towards a holiday.

Set a budget

According to Sebastian Alexanderson, founder and debt counsellor at National Debt Advisors (NDA), budgeting is a great way for people to take control of their finances.

Alexanderson said: “When you budget, you know exactly where all your money goes, where you can make adjustments to save even small amounts, and also how to effectively save and leave enough money for unexpected expenses and emergencies.”

When drafting your budget plan, make sure to include income and all of your expenses.

Start saving

Put away money every month for your financial goals and include saving as a part of your budget.

Janine Horn, a financial adviser at Momentum Financial Planning, said a savings plan is a way for people to grow their money in order to reach the financial goals they have set for themselves.

Improve your financial literacy

Craigh Chidrawi, head of retirement, NMG Benefits, said: “Financial literacy affects every aspect of our lives, from education to where we live and how we access medical care. The less debt we have, the less stressed and healthier we are. Even just taking a few minutes every day to educate ourselves better about financial matters is an investment in our futures.”

People can stay informed about their finances and money matters by making use of any resources available to them. There are free financial literacy resources available online, or people can contact their banks if they are unsure about anything.

Have better spending habits

Paying attention to your spending habits and tracking your finances will allow you to make the necessary changes to how you manage your money. You can change your spending habits by cutting down on unnecessary expenses or looking for ways to save money on the things that you need.

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