Make the switch from expensive cleaning products to kitchen items in 2023

Lemon juice mixed with bicarb and vinegar is a great way to get stubborn stains off pots. Picture: Pexels

Lemon juice mixed with bicarb and vinegar is a great way to get stubborn stains off pots. Picture: Pexels

Published Jan 26, 2023


Traditional cleaning products that can be found on the shelves at your local retailer can be expensive, and they are harsh on the environment too.

SweepStars – the domestic workers who work for SweepSouth – offer natural, simple ways to clean. Their tips are quick, effective and, most importantly, use all-natural products that are found in most kitchen cupboards.

Here are some ideas to try:

– If your microwave has old food splatters, you can get rid of them by placing a bowl filled with one-third vinegar and two-thirds water inside it. Heat this for five minutes until the microwave is steamed up. The food splatters will now be soft enough to remove with a wet cloth. If these stains don’t come off, then repeat the process.

– Does your bathroom shower have black mould or mildew? To remove the stains, make a paste of one part vinegar and two parts bicarbonate of soda. Apply directly onto the mould, allow to dry, then scrub away with an old toothbrush and rinse.

– The trick to getting rid of smelly drains is to mix half a cup of bicarbonate of soda with a quarter cup of salt. Sprinkle the mixture down the drain, followed by a cup of warm white vinegar. After letting it sit for 10 minutes, pour hot water down the drain.

– Do you have stains at the bottom of your pots or pans? Put half a lemon, bicarbonate of soda, and vinegar in the pot or pan and bring it to a boil. Then empty out the mixture, and wipe the item down with a cloth.

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