Complex new laws to test trustees

Published Jun 10, 2000


Retirement fund trustees are facing an increasingly complex array of

legislation, Rod Stevenson of Old Mutual Actuaries and Consultants told the

Institute of Retirement Funds conference.

Legislation and projects in the pipeline which trustees should know about


- The Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act,

which enforced the equality provisions of the Constitution and prevented

unfair exclusions or discrimination by retirement funds. Stevenson

described this as ``a wake-up call`` for the industry;

- The Promotion of Access to Information Act;

- The Administrative Justice Act;

- The Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Bill, which in its

present draft form would force the approximately 60 000 pension fund

trustees in the country to be licensed;

- The S A Law Commission`s project on the law of insolvency and retirement

provision, which would cap the exclusion of pension benefits from an

insolvent estate at R200 000 - a provision, said Stevenson, which would

penalise not only the fraudulent member of a pension fund but other

insolvent people as well;

- Regulations under the Pension Funds Amendment Act on contribution

payments and on a simplified liquidation process;

- Financial Services Board (FSB) proposals to exempt small retirement funds

from audit requirements;

- FSB proposals relating to transfers from one fund to another; and

- FSB proposals to replace prescribed investment limits for retirement

funds with a new process setting up a specific investment strategy for each


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