Plan ahead for wealth, happiness in retirement

Published Apr 29, 2000


Over the next six weeks Personal Finance will be publishing a series of

articles based on presentations made at the recent Retire Rich seminars.

These seminars were held around the country and hosted by Personal Finance

and Investment Frontiers from Old Mutual. The first article, written by

Bruce Cameron, is based on the speech made by Dean Richards, general

manager of Investment Frontiers, on the necessity of planning early for


There are three main objectives of retirement - health, wealth and

happiness, Dean Richards, general manager of Investment Frontiers, says.

But achieving the three objectives is not so easy, Richards says. The first

step to achieving success is to accept that there are three stages of

retirement. These are:

* Saving for retirement:

Saving for retirement is no longer a matter of paying into a retirement

fund and receiving a pension on retirement. With the move to defined

contribution retirement funds (which means you have to invest your

retirement money rather than being guaranteed a set pension) you have to

take responsibility for ensuring you have sufficient money on which to

retire. Added to this is the complexity of financial services products. If

you want to get it right, you have to plan properly, early and base your

plans on sound advice.

* Pre-retirement rush:

Some lucky people start adapting for retirement at least 10 years before

their retirement date. But mistakenly, many people make their final

retirement plans in a rush a year or less before actual retirement. In

reality this is too late. You should start planning your retirement early

on to ensure health, wealth and happiness.

* Retirement:

This the final stage in which your health, wealth and happiness will be

defined by how you handled the previous two stages. However, retirement is

not the end of financial planning, and you will still have to actively

manage your finances to ensure you have sufficient to last through your

retirement years.

Richards warns that retirement planning is not a static affair as there are

many factors, over which you have little control, that can affect your

retirement plans. Because of potential changes, you need to revise your

plans before retirement and after retirement. In fact, you should

continually revise your plans to take account of factors including:

* Longevity: People are not only living longer but many are also retiring

at a younger age. This means that you will need more money to ensure you

have sufficient for the increased number of years you will be in


* Retirement vehicles: The world of retirement financial vehicles is

dynamic. New products come onto the market all the time.

* Global village: International investment is now the present. You must

invest in offshore markets to get diversity and to reduce investment risk.

* Flexible investment choice:

Investors now have many more choices. In the

past, people saving for retirement had one or two investment choices but

now you have a vast array. As an example, the Investment Frontiers

Retirement Capital Portfolio provides a number of stand-alone investment

vehicles which can also be mixed and matched.

In addition, you have the

option to change your mind later and to switch between the different


Within the portfolio there are seven basic choices, which have underlying


These are:

* A choice of five risk-adjusted funds from high-risk, aggressive to a

low-risk defensive fund;

* A choice of multi-manager funds which make use of the best asset managers

to manage investments;

* A choice of nine international funds which make use of asset swaps to

invest in different economies, asset classes and sectors around the world;

* A choice of eight local specialist funds:

These are funds which invest in

specialist sectors, for example, shares in financial services companies;

* A choice of capital guaranteed products, some with returns guaranteed;

* A money market fund; and/or

* A choice of 35 unit trust funds from different companies.

Richards says that with the choices available and all the external factors

that can affect your retirement plans, you need to be properly advised

about the best options.

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