Shake down that retrenchment

Published Mar 24, 2002


South Africa now has its own retrenchment portal. It's a sign of the times.

The site,, launched in May, in response to an increase in companies streamlining, down-scaling, outsourcing, merging and simply going bust.

It offers the retrenched legal, psychological and financial help.

But the builders of the portal, the Virtual Services Group, say that

whereas retrenchment was once an occasional, shameful event

associated with the stigma of being fired, today it has much less

damning connotations.

On goldenhandshake, therefore, you will not only find advice on how

to get back on your feet via the job route - by writing a CV and

preparing for an interview - but also on how to start a new life,

either in your own business or by offering your services to companies

looking to outsource.

Partners in the site include Metropolitan, the life assurer;

Psymetric, which offers psychological help on career changes; Chart, which assists companies with retrenchment programmes; Santam, the

short-term insurer; Aldes, the business brokers; Murphy Wallace

Slabbert Inc, the attorneys; DAV, the employment specialists; Ernst &

Young, the tax experts; Cybastaff, an online employment agency;

YourHealth, a website dedicated to information about health; and

Advisors Online, the online brokers.

As you might expect with Metropolitan's participation, in the section dealing with finance there are invitations aplenty to buy

Metropolitan products. Don't be put off - there are pages of useful

advice, too, some written specially for the site and the rest drawn

from other publications.

There are, for example, sections about your financial situation after

retrenchment. Here you will find advice on structuring your

retrenchment package to include continued medical scheme membership, for example, or to take into account that you may already be close to retirement.

There is also a detailed explanation of your options when you receive

your pension or provident fund payout.

Calculators can be a boon in times of doubt. Goldenhandshake offers

one that will help you work out your monthly expenses and another

that will figure out how much you need to retire. Unfortunately, the

latter has to be fed a fair bit of info - such as the expected value

of your investments when you retire and the expected value of your

pension - before it will deliver.

The tax section has two particularly nifty calculators. One will work

out what lump sum you can take tax free when you retire, and the

other what lump sum you can take tax free on retrenchment.

The short-term insurance section, sponsored by Santam, has tips on

reducing your insurance expenses while you ride out the financial

crisis of retrenchment.

Since early retirement and retrenchment often have much in common, part of the portal is dedicated to retirement. But its subsections - endowments, preservation funds, foreign investments, unit trusts,

retirement annuities, medical aid and group life benefits, - are

sometimes a bit thin on info. Often they amount to just an

explanation and a Metropolitan product offer.

But the Virtual Services Group has promised to expand the site, and

perhaps this is an area they will focus on.

One section of the site that is well stocked is the one that focuses

on law and retrenchment. Here articles have been supplied by

attorneys Murphy Wallace Slabbert Inc and the Department of Labour on topics such as what constitutes unfair dismissal, what you should

expect from a lawyer, how to approach the Council for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration, and how to take your case to the labour court.

As with many portals, this one has its faults: for instance, "news"

articles date back to last year, while other contributions are not

dated, so you can't be sure how up-to-date the information is.

Some articles seem downright irrelevant. But the usefulness of a

single site offering so much support to those who suddenly find

themselves out on a precarious limb, will doubtless override these

small criticisms.

This article was first published in the Fourth Quarter 2001 edition of Personal Finance magazine


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