Slip on a pension shoe with the perfect fit

Published Jun 3, 2000


Momentum Advisory Service, the linked product subsidiary of financial

services company, Momentum, has renamed itself Momentum Wealth and has

expanded into the top end of the sophisticated small to medium-sized

pension or provident fund market, with the aim of giving members personal


Momentum Wealth has entered the growing market of personal, customised

portfolios for employees.

Trevor Strydom, responsible for marketing at Momentum Wealth, says a

qualified financial adviser advising a company with 30 employees could

create 30 different investment portfolios based on the particular needs of

each individual employee. All costs - projections and values - are fully

transparent and specific to each employee. In effect, wholesale group

investment business can now be dealt with on a retail business level.

Momentum Wealth is using its existing system, which services 100 000

clients, to offer investment choice across a wide range of mainly unit

trust funds on a real time basis.

Momentum Wealth`s individual investment products have allowed individual

investors to choose from a wide universe of unit trusts and other

investment products. These options are now also available to employees of

pension funds on exactly the same basis.

Strydom says the company originally took on the appearance of a linked

investment company, but `it was strategically formed to rewrite the rules

of the pensions, life assurance and linked industries from the outset. From

the start all systems were developed in-house with the aim of catering for

the product enhancements now being rolled out.

`Momentum Wealth`s computer systems were built to its own specifications

with individual choice as a cornerstone in mind. Its communication systems

have also been designed in-house rather than bought off-the- shelf. Again,

the criterion is instant response to personal customer needs.`

Another new development is the opportunity to use multi-manager funds at an

individual employee level. This allows the individual to invest directly in

specific risk-profiled funds with asset managers at a discounted price that

was previously only available to large pooled group investment portfolios.

Strydom says: `Our approach solves the problem currently faced by employee

benefit consultants and administrators. How to enable sophisticated

employees to understand and become involved in what is, in most instances,

the biggest investment of their lives. In this day and age people want to

be in control of their own financial destiny.

`The shift to defined contribution funds places the investment risk

squarely with the individual. Individuals are therefore demanding greater

understanding and involvement. Obviously they will need the assistance of a

personal financial adviser in determining their individual risk profiles

and investment choices.

`The individual employee faces a very specific risk - a risk of receiving a

lower pension than expected if retirement funding investments

under-perform. Employees are interested in and want to be informed about

their own personal investments and understand the reasons for performance.

They want to understand how their investments are constructed and want to

monitor returns regularly.`

On top of this, Strydom says retirement fund managers have always faced the

daunting task of creating an investment strategy to suit a diverse group of

individuals containing risk-junkies of 25 and risk-averse grandfathers of


With the new Momentum Wealth products it will now be possible to design

personal investment strategies for anyone from a 23-year-old male

risk-taker, a 38-year-old female with children and two 55-year-old men.

The 23-year-old, self-confident male wants high returns and does not mind

running high risk. He will want to put money offshore, won`t be afraid of

specialist funds and may look at IT and financial services. He won`t be

averse to using a relatively new firm of asset managers. This profile can

be matched precisely, with retirement contributions apportioned accordingly.

The 38-year-old female with children is into her high-earning years. She`s

not yet cautious, but has little time to plan. She needs the reassurance

that her money is being well invested by highly skilled, hands-on managers.

A possible option would be to channel contributions into relatively

aggressive wrap-funds run by top performers - with regular support and

review from a knowledgeable intermediary.

The serious-minded 55-year-old male is five years from retirement and has

worked to pre-set time-horizons. He`s happy with his investment performance

to date.

He owns interest-bearing instruments and a portfolio comprising cash,

perhaps a balanced fund and guaranteed fund. If there`s value in the market

and equities look the place to be, he will consider putting 20 percent of

contributions into more aggressive funds as the profile may already tend

toward conservatism.

Strydom says: `Personal investment choice not only liberates the individual

employee. In this sophisticated end of the market it also liberates

trustees by allowing employee benefits consultants and financial advisers

to assist each individual member of a group.`

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