Slow progress in surplus debate

Published Apr 15, 2000


The thorny issue of who is entitled to pension fund surpluses of about R80

billion sitting in funds around South Africa - you or your employer -

inched a little closer to being resolved this week.

A second meeting of Nedlac was held this week at which organised business

and labour met to thrash out the matter.

Draft legislation prepared by the Financial Services Board on behalf of the

Department of Finance was ditched last year when the Congress of South

African Trade Unions (Cosatu) objected vehemently to the proposals.


draft legislation attempted to set out regulated guidelines under which the

surplus can be split between employers and employees.

Cosatu`s view is that any surplus assets in retirement funds belong to the

workers and employers are not entitled to a share.

After discussions between Cosatu and the FSB ended in deadlock, the matter

was referred to Nedlac in the hope that organised business and the unions

could negotiate an agreement on how surpluses should be dealt with.

Jennifer Wilson, spokesperson for Nedlac says the meeting this week ``was

productive in getting to the meat of the issue`` but the matter would

obviously not be solved at one or two meetings.

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