Complete your buff form or pay a R150 penalty

Published Jun 5, 1996


Take time out this weekend to fill in your annual tax return as Friday is the deadline for submission.

If you miss the June 7 deadline you are liable for a R150 penalty (and it's even more for second and third-time offenders).

If you're not going to make the deadline, write a letter to your local Receiver of Revenue asking for an extension.

Remember to make a photocopy of your return and all attached documents before submitting them. And don't rely on the postal service, rather drop off the envelope at your local Revenue office (but avoid leaving it until the last day as there's usually a traffic jam around the Revenue office buildings).

People younger than 65, who earned a taxable income of more than R14 605 in the tax year ended February 29 1996 are liable for income tax (for those over 65 the tax threshold is R26 786).

However, if you are a SITE-only taxpayer, that is an employee whose taxable income is less than R50 000 in the tax year, you are not obliged to submit a tax return.

There are some instances where a SITE-only taxpayer would render a return, namely:

* If you received a tax return from the Revenue office;

* If you earned interest income of more than R2 000;

* If you earned income like rent, business profits or salary from part-time employment;

* If you had excessive medical expenses (greater than R1 000 or five percent of their income);

* If you received a travel allowance from their employer; or

* If you contributed to a retirement annuity fund and the employer did not take these contributions into account in the employee's monthly SITE-tax payments.

If you need help in completing your tax return, your local Revenue office offers free advice during office hours. The brochure you received with your tax return also sheds a ray or two of light, and there are some good tax books on the shelves of major bookstores.

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