'Help graduates' is winning tip

Published Mar 13, 2010


Vuyisa Qabaka, of Claremont in Cape Town, is passionate about empowering graduates to become entrepreneurs. To this end, he sent Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan a tip for the Budget this year, asking that more money be allocated to youth development, in particular to projects that focus on entrepreneurship and job creation.

Qabaka's tip won him a two-year free subscription to Personal Finance magazine. Each year, the National Treasury asks members of the public to submit a suggestion on what they would like the finance minister include in his Budget. The person who submits the best tip wins a subscription to Personal Finance.

In his Budget speech, Gordhan said the government is considering a subsidy for employers to encourage them to hire young people without work experience.

But Qabaka says the youth wage subsidy will solve only one element of the problems that face young people who are battling to enter the working world.

"Still more is required to support young entrepreneurs," he says.

Qabaka is in the process of setting up a business, Student Enterprises, which aims to equip graduates who want to become entrepreneurs.

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