Tax tale-telling can be tempting, but taxable

Published Sep 25, 1996


Want to make some money out of the taxman? There is a way, but it may cost you some friendships. On the other hand, it could also be a way to settle past debts with enemies.

If you tip off the taxman about someone you know is evading tax he will reward you well.

On every rand recovered in unpaid taxes the taxman will pay you up to 10 percent as a reward. But, there is one small catch. Commissioner of Inland Revenue, Trevor van Heerden, says any reward you receive will have to be declared and will be liable for tax.

But, some people are happy to report tax offenders merely to get square.

In a recent case in Britain a man who smuggled his untaxed income to Greece once a week was sold out by his former girlfriend out of spite and not for reward, flying from Greece to London to do so.

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