The Revenue Service's client charter

Published Mar 3, 2002


The South African Revenue Service (SARS) has published a client charter detailing your rights and obligations.

You are entitled to expect SARS:

- To help you:

- by being courteous at all times;

- to understand your rights and obligations;

- by continuously upgrading the quality of our service; and

- by being accessible.

- To be fair:

- by expecting you to pay only what is due under law;

- by treating everyone equally; and

- by ensuring everyone pays their fair share.

- To protect your Constitutional rights:

- by keeping your private affairs strictly confidential;

- by furnishing you with reasons for decisions taken; and

- by applying the law consistently and impartially.

- If you are not satisfied, you may:

- request that your tax affairs be re-examined;

- exercise your right to object and appeal; and

- request that we advise you of the procedures to be followed in lodging an objection and appeal.

In return, your obligations are to:

- be honest;

- timeously submit full and accurate information;

- pay your tax on time and in full; and

- encourage others to pay their tax.

See also Taxman turns the spotlight on evaders

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