Time is running out if you need tax amnesty

Published Jan 29, 1997


You have little over a month left before the tax amnesty runs out. February 28 is the last day of the amnesty, and if you think you may qualify here are some of the criteria:

CATEGORY ONE: People not registered or whose addresses are unknown. You can apply for the amnesty if you were either not registered for income tax, employees' tax or VAT, or your address was not known by the South African Revenue Service on April 26, 1994.

CATEGORY TWO: Non-disclosure by those already registered. If you submitted tax returns for periods up to February 28, 1994 (for income tax and PAYE) or up to March 10, 1994 and in some cases, April 10, 1994 (for VAT), but you did not disclose correct details on your returns, you are eligible for the amnesty.

You don't have to make a formal application under this category, just submit the correct information, in writing, before February 28.

CATEGORY THREE: Penalty, interest and additional tax due from taxpayers already registered.

You qualify for relief from interest, penalties and additional tax payable on income tax, PAYE or VAT due for the 1994 and previous years if you submit all your income tax returns for years of assessment, ended December 31, 1996.

You can also qualify for relief if you submit all employees' tax and VAT returns for periods up to October 31, 1996. These returns must be submitted before February 28. No formal application is required.

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