Your taxes: Who pays and where it goes

Published Feb 24, 2001


Ever wondered who is contributing the most to the state's coffers and where all that money is going?

Who pays what

* Individuals pay R90 billion in income tax;

* Companies pay R30 billion;

* VAT raises R60 billion;

* Excise duties (mostly on cigarettes and alcohol) raise R11 billion;

* The fuel levy raises R15 billion;

* Other taxes account for R31 billion.

Where the money goes

* R48.1 billion goes on interest on the debt;

* Education gets R58.4 billion;

* R29.5 billion is spent on health;

* Welfare (pensions and grants) gets R31.6 billion;

* Police get R17.8 billion;

* R8.6 billion has been allocated to transport and communications and R3 billion to water schemes.

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