DA opens criminal charges against EFF after chaos at Tshwane council sitting

EFF councillors protest in the Tshwane council unhappy with the decision to dismiss striking workers. Picture: Supplied

EFF councillors protest in the Tshwane council unhappy with the decision to dismiss striking workers. Picture: Supplied

Published Sep 4, 2023


Pretoria - The DA in Tshwane laid criminal charges against EFF councillors on Friday at Brooklyn police station after the party’s councillors were allegedly assaulted during an ordinary council sitting last week at Tshwane House.

Party caucus spokesperson Kwena Moloto said the DA submitted video evidence to the SAPS showing DA councillors “being punched, kicked, pushed and hit with projectiles thrown by EFF councillors”.

“This unacceptable display of vulgarity from the EFF shows that they clearly have no regard for our democratic institutions.

“We condemn the violence and thuggery perpetrated by the EFF councillors in chambers on Thursday.

“Previously, we have expressed that the EFF’s call for the reinstatement of the 122 workers who were dismissed during this illegal strike is an endorsement of violence.

“We now know that violence is at the core of the EFF,” he said.

During the sitting the EFF councillors protested against mayor Cilliers Brink, vowing that he would not speak in council in the wake of the dismissals of 122 workers.

Workers affiliated to the South African Municipal Workers Union (Samwu) were fired for taking part in the unprotected strike.

Things got out of hand when EFF councillors hurled threats against councillors from the multiparty coalition block.

The councillors then physically attacked each other and a DA councillor was seen manhandled and had his jacket and shirt stripped off.

Some ANC councillors also joined the fray by chanting songs in support of the EFF.

Moloto said the DA caucus submitted requests to the speaker, Mncedi Ndzwanana, on August 25 to convene a council meeting online over concerns that councillors would be unsafe because of statements that had been made by the EFF.

“While the speaker promised the safety of councillors in this meeting, his swift and cowardly departure with VIP protection while DA councillors were being assaulted raises serious questions about the speaker’s competence and impartiality,” he said.

Moloto said the DA has consistently pursued motions of no confidence against Ndzwanana.

He said, to date, the speaker has dismissed every motion brought against him “in a clear conflict of interest”.

“The coalition has, however, taken this matter to court.

“The day’s events further bring into question the speaker’s competence and ability to uphold the integrity of council proceedings.

“The DA, however, remains undeterred. We will continue to fight against the criminal and special interests that exist in our city and in our council. We remain committed to restoring service delivery and the rule of law in Tshwane,” he said.

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