Look at the new road retirement living has taken - Editor's letter

Published Oct 25, 2020


Old age can seem a far way away when you are young. But it has a way of creeping up on you.

As a young girl, we had an old age home across the road from my school and I’d often venture in there to read to the elderly or just listen to their stories.

I have no idea why I went in the first place – perhaps avoiding an afternoon class – but it became a regular occurrence. It certainly wasn’t the most joyful place for those elderly, who’d had such rich and diverse lives, to be.

Which is why I am particularly thrilled about the new road retirement livinghas taken! Now retirement villages are places people come to live and enhance their lives, many still working or taking up second or third careers.

The addition of frail care facilities means that you don’t have to, at a vulnerable stage of your life, be taken to a completely different place for care.

In fact, so stunning are some of these retirement villages that I think the younger generation wish they’d lower the entrance ages – most having 55 as a starting point. These oases are a far cry from those dark old age homes of before.

It also makes me think of this saying: “If the world doesn’t have what you want, go out and create it.”

I think the retirement living world has shown us this in action. I also look forward to seeing how retirement living will continue to morph in the years ahead.

Here is to the older generation! Thanks for laying the path for us.

Warm regards

Vivian Warby

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