Comedian Tol Ass Mo hopes female audiences gives him a chance as he makes stage return

Comedian Tol Ass Mo. Supplied image.

Comedian Tol Ass Mo. Supplied image.

Published Mar 11, 2023


Johannesburg - As much as comedian Mongezi “Tol Ass Mo” Mahlangu has thoroughly enjoyed retirement, he does admit that he is itching to get back on stage.

“Retirement has been good,” Mahlangu told The Saturday Star this week.

“I have had time to focus on my other businesses and tend to our farm. I am a big gamer and during retirement I invested a lot of time into the gaming business and our farm. Being out of the public has also been great for the family.

“Living out on the farm has allowed us to explore the kids' talents more. It's been a quality time.”

In 2019, the reality TV star, and Emmy nominated stand-up comedian announced that he will retire after 15 years.

During this time he was also accused of rape by SA model, Lerato Moloi, but was recently vindicated when he was acquitted of all charges.

Now, three years later, he is ready and raring to give his best to his audience.

“I have had a couple of shows in Cape Town, Pretoria and around Johannesburg. It's been great, the shows have allowed me to establish trust with the audience, laugh a lot more than I have in the last few years. The reception has also been fantastic. I am really thankful.”

Comedian Tol Ass Mo. Supplied image.

The comedian has also revealed that one of the reasons for retirement was to get in touch with his spiritual side.

“Coming out of retirement wasn’t an easy thing. I wanted to follow my spiritual journey of becoming a sangoma.”

While Mahlangu is glad that he has been vindicated of the rape charges, he admits that period of his life was a very “dark one”.

“It's difficult to describe but I felt helpless and alone ...The number of women and girls who are violated by men in our country makes it difficult for anyone to believe a man.”

He says he is glad to be able to move on with his life now that he has been acquitted of all rape charges.

“I am really glad and thank God every day for saving my life and my family and friends for believing and standing by me. It's helped strengthen my faith and to be more open to hearing both sides of a story. To be less inclined to judge without proper interrogation.

“I have had a lot of time to reflect and really meet myself again. I am comfortable with who I am now and I am more discerning.”

Comedian Tol Ass Mo. Supplied image.

The comedian said despite the false rape allegations, Mahlangu says “people were right to take up in defence of the rape victims.

“Perpetrators of violence against women should be held accountable. My only hope is that female audiences will give me a chance and use the findings of the court as the basis and not judge me for a crime I did not commit.”

Asked what he had lost as a result of the accusations, Mahlangu says: “Nothing that really mattered. Experiences like that have a way of showing you what and who is really there for you.”

He says he was also initially concerned at how audiences would react to him after deciding to return to stage, however his wife and friends have helped him get over his worries.

“I was concerned at first, but my wife Mome and a good friend in comedy have been very supportive of me and they are the people who encouraged me to just go ahead and do it. People have been surprisingly good to me.”

Comedian Tol Ass Mo. Supplied image.

Now that he’s been able to move past a very dark time in his life, Mahlangu says he is ready to give his best to audiences in South Africa and around the world.

“I have missed performing as much as you have missed me being on stage. I have been working on material during my retirement. I am a funny guy and my wife and kids are just as funny so our everyday experiences with people and observing them have become motivation for my material.”

“Audiences can expect no holds bars comedy. I am working on some creative projects that I believe are going to push the boundaries in comedy and in the gaming business! I am really committed to coming back better than ever."