Mi School: How you can help Treverton College with their Rhino Peak Challenge fundraiser

Kai Broom, Jarred van Alphen and teacher Travers Pellew did the Rhino Peak Challenge last year. Supplied image.

Kai Broom, Jarred van Alphen and teacher Travers Pellew did the Rhino Peak Challenge last year. Supplied image.

Published Jul 24, 2023


Johannesburg - Treverton College entered the Rhino Peak Challenge (RPC) last year as the first school team to do so.

Kai Broom, Travers Pellew and Jarred van Alphen, represented Treverton well, in raising money as well as coming in the Top 5 runners in the Challenge.

This year they have entered again as a team and have challenged other schools to do so as well.

So far Grace College and Maritzburg College have accepted the challenge and signed up. They will be running September 9, 2023. Please donate towards this cause that is actively seeking to conserve our natural heritage.

Kai Broom, Jarred van Alphen and teacher Travers Pellew did the Rhino Peak Challenge last year. Supplied image.

“In order to complete the RPC the Ambassadors must each complete the 21km course to the summit of the Rhino Peak (3056 meters) and back. There is no time limit and Ambassadors may walk or run the RPC. Over the years a number of South Africa’s finest Trail Runners have taken part in the RPC and the current Fastest Known Times (FKT) for the RPC is 2 hours and 15 minutes for the men and 2 hours and 45 minutes for the ladies set by, Kane Reilly and Holly Page respectively. However, most ambassadors adopt a far more leisurely pace with times ranging between 4 and 9 hours to complete the Challenge,” said Spurgeon Flemington, event organiser for the Rhino Peak Challenge.

“The real focus of the RPC is of course the fundraising, and each Ambassador spends most of their energy on this. A Profile with a payment link is set up on the website for each Ambassador and donors can then choose which Ambassador they would like to support. The Ambassadors reach out to their personal networks for donations and the event itself also does all it can to raise funds on behalf of the Ambassadors. This formula has proved extremely successful since 2016 with almost R5.2 million raised.”

The Saturday Star