Focus on what counts in schools

WHAT'S TO BE DONE?: There are high pregnancy levels at schools such as Mavalani High School in Giyani, Limpopo.Picture: Antoine de Ras

WHAT'S TO BE DONE?: There are high pregnancy levels at schools such as Mavalani High School in Giyani, Limpopo.Picture: Antoine de Ras

Published Feb 25, 2018


Our country is full of paradoxes. On the one hand our 18-year-olds are allowed to terminate a pregnancy without informing us as parents. They can also acquire birth control pills and consent to have sex at the tender age of 16.

Our education is in a mess. More pupils are dumping maths and science for less challenging subjects. We pass pupils that should simply repeat a class because we want to show the world we are doing a good job. Discipline is a big issue with school-going children.

They attack each other in class. They even beat up and stab their teachers.

Teachers are not innocent either. Many of them have sex with their charges; some of them minors.

Teenage pregnancy is rampant and clearly Life Orientation is not doing what it is supposed to. So, we have all these challenges as a nation and yet we still find time to faff about the size and shape of school pants? Please.

Can we focus on issues that will make our children disciplined, emphatic, caring and educated young men and women. This country’s future depends on it.

The Sunday Independent

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