GNU 100 days has been ‘catastrophic’ for the country, says analysts

UMENGAMELI Cryil Ramaphosa nethimba lakhe okubalwa kulo uNksz Thandi Modise isithombe: Jairus Mmutle/GCIS

UMENGAMELI Cryil Ramaphosa nethimba lakhe okubalwa kulo uNksz Thandi Modise isithombe: Jairus Mmutle/GCIS

Published 7h ago


Political Analyst Professor Sipho Seepe said the celebration of the 100 days of the government of national unity (GNU) is misplaced and mischievous.

Seepe made comments on the first 100 days of the GNU, and said there is nothing much in reality to celebrate given that unemployment, inequality and poverty are still high.

Quoting Guinea-Bissau political scientist Amilcar Cabral in describing the 100 days GNU celebrations, Seepe said “hide nothing from the masses of our people. Tell no lies. Expose lies whenever they are told. Mask no difficulties, mistakes, failures. Claim no easy victories”.

He said the “charlatans that gave the people Ramaphoria wasted no time in painting the “so-called” government of national unity (GNU) in a positive light.

“Upon assumption of the office of the Presidency, Ramaphosa’s ‘New Dawn” was said to have ushered in a “warm fuzzy feeling” across the fabric of society.

South Africans were told how “changing one person can make such a difference. The future looks much brighter,” Seepe said the people were told.

Instead of the promised bright future, Ramaphosa has become politically and economically the worst post-1994 president, he added.

"Duma Gqubule, a research associate at the Social Policy Initiative, points out that no amount of spin-doctoring can erase Ramaphosa’s dismal failure on the economic front. (Country’s worst president since 1994? Business Day 7 Feb 2023),” Seepe said.

He said those who were Ramaphosa’s apologists wanted the world to believe that the same individual who brought his party to its knees and reportedly presided over the reversal of the gains of the last thirty years, would bring positive and tangible results in a mere 100 days.

The professor continued to say the success, or otherwise, of the GNU should be judged by the extent to which it succeeds in reducing unemployment, inequality, and poverty, adding that any commentary on the GNU that did not address the above objective socio-economic reality amounts to nothing more than “a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”.

“Understandably, positive commentaries have come from individuals who heavily subscribe to the notion of the GNU. Many of them are known to have invested in Ramaphosa’s presidency.

To that extent, they tend to be self-serving. This includes individuals and parties who have always longed for the decimation of the ANC. Thanks to the entry of the MK Party, their prayers were answered.

The notion that the performance of the so-called GNU can be assessed in 100 days is misplaced and mischievous. First, the 100-day mark has no basis in law or our Constitution. While it may titillate the sensibilities of the media, some academics, and analysts, it is an arbitrary milestone”.

Seepe’s sentiments are shared by another analyst Dr. Kwame Amuah who said the Democratic Alliance's haste to distance themselves from President Ramaphosa's comments on Russia were more telling.

Kwame said this showed a lack of understanding of the complex geopolitics at play and a narrow focus on scoring cheap political points .

“The ANC has long maintained that its foreign policy is guided by a commitment to multilateralism, solidarity, and cooperation. Engaging with Russia, or any other nation, doesn't automatically imply endorsement of their actions.

It's about finding common ground and advancing South Africa's interests on the global stage.

"Moreover, the DA's moral outrage rings hollow when considering their own track record. They've consistently prioritized partisan politics over constructive engagement, as seen in their attempts to derail the Government of National Unity,” he added.

Kwame raised his concerns over DA’s position over what he called selective outrage, saying the party’s fervent condemnation of Russia's actions in Ukraine contrasts with their relative silence on other global injustices, such as the Palestinian conflict.

“Their warnings about jeopardizing international relations and trade opportunities ignore the complexities of global economics and the need for pragmatic engagement.

He said the DA offers no credible alternative to the ANC's foreign policy approach, only criticism and obstruction.

"Rather than grandstanding, the DA should engage in meaningful debate and offer constructive suggestions. The people of South Africa deserve better than partisan posturing. Let's work together to forge a foreign policy that truly serves our nation's interests,” Kwame said this as opposition parties sharply criticised the work of the GNU.

According to MK, the Government of National Unity not only failed to achieve the restoration of social justice, but in general ‘caused deep disappointment of the people.

MK party the GNU has failed South Africans and undermined progress on social justice.

"The existing coalition is unable to reach agreements on key laws necessary for the country's development. These are the national health insurance law (NHI) and the basic education law (BELA Act). ‘The ruling coalition has disappointed the masses,” the party said in a statement.

Meanwhile, the EFF characterised the first 100 days as ‘catastrophic’ for the country.

Saturday Star