TikTok launches SkillsUp campaign



Published Aug 4, 2020


With social media usage seeing a surge in popularity during lockdown, video-sharing social media network TikTok realised an increase in digital adoption and launched SkillsUP.

The SkillsUP campaign seeks to empower the local community with useful digital skills that can help people acquire knowledge for professional and personal use.

The campaign which launched on August 1 and broadcast live on TikTok South Africa’s official account is set to provide tips from experts on how to be more creative and engage in positioning brands and businesses within the digital space.

“We believe it’s important for all South Africans to have the opportunity to access knowledge and information that can help them advance their current digital skill set for both professional and personal gain, especially as it’s likely many local businesses will require at least some basic level of digital skill from future employees,” said Boniswa Sidwaba, TikTok Content Operations Manager, Africa.

Sidwaba said as a technology company designed around digital innovation and possibilities, TikTok is committed to educating and upskilling its community when it comes to all things digital. This includes encouraging creativity on and off the platform and SkillsUP offers this.

“Because TikTok has such a highly-engaged community, it would be very beneficial for professionals in the corporate space to learn how to connect with the new generation of audience that truly enjoys being on the platform,” she added

This series of webinars will feature a panel of various digital experts with great insights on how to use TikTok to grow both professional and personal brands as well as general best-practice tips. Attendees will also have the opportunity to pick the brains of these experts in a live Q&A session at the end of the talk.