The most effective natural appetite suppressants you can incorporate into your diet

Published Jun 26, 2024


If you've ever tried dieting, you know the persistent hunger that hits when you cut down on calories. That nagging feeling makes it hard to stick to a diet and many of us give up within days.

But imagine if you could reduce your calorie intake and still eat plenty, without feeling constantly hungry.

In a world where weight loss trends come and go, one thing remains constant: the timeless appeal of natural solutions.

While weight loss medications like Ozempic and Wegovy are making headlines for their dramatic results, many individuals seek a more balanced, sustainable approach.

Natural appetite suppressants offer a viable alternative, leveraging the power of whole foods to help manage hunger and reduce calorie intake. Here’s a detailed look at some of the most effective natural appetite suppressants you can incorporate into your diet.


A small handful of almonds can work wonders for your health. These nuts are rich in antioxidants, vitamin E and magnesium. They help control blood sugar, promote gut health and reduce the risk of heart disease. Almonds also act as a natural appetite suppressant, making you feel fuller.

Almonds help control blood sugar, promote gut health. Picture: Irina Iriser/Pexels.

A 2019 study in the journal, “Nutrients“, revealed that snacking on almonds mid-morning can reduce overall hunger and cravings for high-fat foods.


Avocados are packed with fibre and heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. These fruits can lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar levels, aid digestion and strengthen bones. When eaten in moderation, they can also help to curb your appetite.

Avocados are packed with fibre and heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.Picture: Nicola Barts/Pexels

A study on nutrients compared how full people felt after eating a meal high in carbohydrates, versus a meal that included half or a whole avocado. It found that those who ate the avocado felt fuller. The study also found that fullness-related hormones were higher in participants' blood after eating avocado.


Drinking water before meals might be a simple but effective way to curb your appetite and reduce calorie intake, according to a “Forbes” health report.

In an interesting study, researchers found that 50 overweight women who drank an additional 1.5 litres of water daily—or about two cups before each meal—saw a decrease in appetite, body fat and body weight over eight weeks.

Moreover, other research indicates that staying well-hydrated could support weight loss by boosting energy expenditure. While more studies are needed to fully understand this relationship, incorporating more water into your daily routine seems like a promising step for weight management.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a vitamin-rich vegetable, packed with water and fibre. A 130-gram serving of sweet potato boasts nearly 4 grams of dietary fibre.

Research published in the journal Food Science & Nutrition shows that sweet potatoes contain a special type of starch that resists digestive enzymes.

This means they stay in your stomach longer, keeping you full and helping to suppress your appetite. Plus, they're loaded with vitamins A and C, adding an extra health boost to your diet.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate, with at least 70% cocoa, can suppress appetite and reduce cravings for sweets. A small piece after meals can offer a satisfying experience without overindulging.

Green tea

Green tea contains catechins and caffeine, which can aid in appetite suppression and fat burning. Regularly drinking green tea can help manage mid-afternoon cravings and enhance metabolism.

Incorporating natural appetite suppressants into your diet is a sustainable approach to weight management, complementing or even substituting the rush for weight loss medications.

The best way to foster a healthy relationship with food and support your weight loss journey naturally is to focus on whole foods rich in fibre, protein, healthy fats and hydrating elements.

It’s always recommended to consult a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes, especially if you have underlying health conditions.