Art gallery to help breast cancer fighters

Breast cancer suvivors Danielle Bitton aka DJ Dani B and Remofilwe Ngcobo. Picture: Supplied.

Breast cancer suvivors Danielle Bitton aka DJ Dani B and Remofilwe Ngcobo. Picture: Supplied.

Published Nov 27, 2022


Johannesburg - South Africa’s upmarket KAMERS/Makers is set to feature an art gallery, The He(art) Gallery experience at its second summer show in Sandton, to assist breast cancer fighters by featuring portraits of cancer survivors.

Visitors to the Kamers/Makers summer show from tomorrow to December 4 can also assist breast cancer fighters by visiting the art gallery.

The He(art) Gallery, an interactive portrait exhibition, has been created by Euphoria Telecom cancer charity Reach for Recovery and its new brand ambassador Marli du Toit (a fashion model, cancer survivor and creative content producer) and features portraits of 12 cancer survivors.

As Reach for Recovery’s new ambassador, Du Toit wanted to design a dynamic event that could combine her strengths, passions and networking abilities to raise funds and awareness for Reach for Recovery.

Euphoria Telecom came on board to sponsor the He(art) Gallery, having selected Reach for Recovery as its primary CSI charity for 2022 and beyond.

“When we first conceived the idea of a gallery at KAMERS/Makers everyone was thinking of black and white portraits showing the strength and tenacity of our survivors,” Du Toit says

“But I wanted to shoot them in the biggest, puffiest, poofiest dresses I could find and make them up, shower them in glitter and show them twirling and whirling like princesses.

“My biggest challenge with breast cancer was loving myself through the physical changes that happen – losing your hair, your eyelashes, your breasts. This loss of femininity was a huge heartbreak and I wanted to reinstate access to the feminine heart in my survivors.”

All visitors to Kamers/Makers can explore the He(art) Gallery, which encourages them to have a heart, do their part to donate to Reach for Recovery, or buy a special memento with all proceeds going to the charity.

“The space is all about generating funds – and creating awareness, so there will be a free photo opportunity inside the gallery,” says Euphoria Telecom national marketing manager Lauren Pybus.

“Visitors can take selfies and share them on their socials with the hashtags #HaveAHeartDoYourPart, #ReachForRecovery and #EuphoriaTelecom. This means visitors who don’t want to make a donation or buy one of the items on sale, can still do their part by helping us raise the profile of Reach for Recovery and the work that they do,” said Pybus

The Star

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breast cancer