Gordhan’s tactics at Zondo Commission shows he accounts to no one but himself

Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan. Picture: Dimpho Maja/African News Agency (ANA)

Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan. Picture: Dimpho Maja/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Mar 25, 2021


By Editorial

It is generally acceptable for ordinary people with no knowledge of certain issues to try to make sense of their surroundings by simply modifying their thoughts and creating narratives to suit their perceptions.

But, it becomes a completely different story when a senior government official with high-level resources at his disposal resorts to lies, gossip and senseless explanations to make up non-existent “facts” aimed at isolating and dealing with those who are purported to be political opponents.

The duck-and-dive tactics used by Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan, who was cross-examined by Advocate Dali Mpofu at the Zondo Commission of Inquiry Into Allegations of State Capture, were proof enough that Gordhan accounts to no one but himself.

The greatest pity was that the chairperson of the commission was so fond of Gordhan that he simply could not bring himself to reprimand him for wasting the commission’s time.

If he is not connecting the gossip dots or firing those who dare to question him, he is ducking and diving like a confused child who simply does not want to own up to his mistakes.

Gordhan’s persistent defiance and refusal to take responsibility for his illegal activities at the SA Revenue Service, after illegally setting up a rogue unit that was used as an instrument to get back at his political opponents, is an exhibition of disrespect to our country.

Watching him give long-winded, empty explanations and enjoying a free ride while providing unclear answers at the commission made one realise that Gordhan has no facts but relies on gossip to tarnish others’ names, which cannot be allowed.

Gordhan represents the political and economic interests that have brought our SOEs to their knees.

Lack of accountability and treating our institutions like personal property is displayed by people like Gordhan, who have personalised state institutions and use them as weapons to attack those they dislike.

The ducking and diving by this minister leaves us wondering how his empty evidence was entertained by the commission, with a deputy chief justice chairing the spectacle.

Mr “connect the gossip dots” must not take us for fools.

The Star

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zondo commission