It’s all down to hard work, says top achiever

Published Jan 6, 2012


Nonhlanhla Kobokwana

HARD work pays off. This is all that shy Zinhle Cleopatra Thambekwayo, 17, could say after passing matric with six distinctions.

“I am not good at expressing the way I feel, but I can tell you that I am very excited and a bit shocked at all of this,” Zinhle said yesterday.

She said she never expected so much, but it goes to show that hard work, prayers and having God in her life have helped her with her remarkable achievement.

Zinhle achieved distinctions in English, isiZulu, physical science, maths, history and life sciences, topping her entire Grade 12 class at Immaculata High School in Diepkloof.

“I wasn’t expecting to get so many distinctions because I had difficulty in English and isiZulu – those subjects were really not my strengths, but I pushed really hard to do well,” she said.

Zinhle is the first top academic achiever in her family, which is a blessing in disguise for all of them because she has dreams of becoming a chemical engineer.

Besides passing so well, she has been given the opportunity by Sasol to further her studies at Wits University.

“Sasol has given me a bursary to study this year, and that is a dream come true for me because one day in the near future I would like to buy my father a house and a car,” she said.

Zinhle added that her father has been her biggest inspiration. “I don’t live with him but he does everything for me. He has been there for me all my life and I am truly grateful for that.”

Singing joyous songs outside her home in Diepkloof Zone 6 were neighbours and friends, who said Zinhle had made not only her family proud, but the whole community.

“We are so proud of her and we hope that the other children will learn from her that everything is possible,” said one happy neighbour.

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